What is “Crazy?”: Unpacking the Complex Nature of a Multifaceted Term

<p>The term &ldquo;crazy&rdquo; permeates everyday conversation yet remains elusive, used to describe an array behaviors, ideas, or situations. Exploring its depths reveals complexity beyond dictionary definitions. What truly constitutes being &ldquo;crazy,&rdquo; and how do social perceptions shape this enigmatic concept?</p> <p>In psychiatry, we avoid that label, instead using precise terminology to denote abnormal or pathological behaviors. The closest one might come in clinical settings is describing psychosis symptoms &mdash; a disconnect from reality.</p> <p><a href="https://lauroap.medium.com/what-is-crazy-unpacking-the-complex-nature-of-a-multifaceted-term-d53310a0e767"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>