Tag: support

My best friend’s life support was turned off onWednesday.

The beats of my heart that I noticed with a frown when I first saw you in the Church carpark that night. You were rubbing surfer’s wax along the top of your car’s roof. “Do you surf?” I asked, pointing to the wax in your hand. “Nope” You grinned across; your...

Caring Can Cost Too Much — I Can Only Support So Many Causes at Once

Because of the social contract, our responsibilities to each other form a fundamental part of our society. We fulfill our end of the contract by paying taxes, being responsible members of society by living within the laws, and helping build up our community amongst other things. And in retur...

My best friend’s life support was turned off onWednesday.

The beats of my heart that I noticed with a frown when I first saw you in the Church carpark that night. You were rubbing surfer’s wax along the top of your car’s roof. “Do you surf?” I asked, pointing to the wax in your hand. “Nope” You grinned across; your...

10 Ways to Use AI Chatbots for Internal IT and HR Support — Workativ

30% of customers may abandon a brand following one negative chatbot experience, stated a survey conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Cyara. But, a positive chatbot experience can urge customers to return to brands. When it comes to employee experience, it is no different. Your employee ...

Independent Game Development and Community Support: The Path to Success

Introduction: Independent game developers often face numerous challenges when bringing their creative projects to life. However, one crucial factor that can assist independent developers in achieving success is community support. In this article, we will explore the importance of community supp...

Mod support on consoles? It’s easier than you think!

With Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 launching around the world, we’ve noticed a lot of speculation about what will be possible on the new generation of consoles, with the desire for mod support being one of the big talking points among console gamers. With Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 l...

Exploring Kubernetes 1.28 Sidecar Container Support

Introduction This article documents how to explore the latest sidecar container functionality in Kubernetes 1.28. Sidecar Container is a well-known and common design pattern in Kubernetes, where multiple containers are deployed inside a Pod. The Sidecar Container assists the main container in ...

Tarahum’s ‘Compassion for Gaza’ Campaign: Abu Dhabi’s Heartfelt Support

The Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre is buzzing with a fantastic campaign called ‘Tarahum — for Gaza.’ This initiative, backed by the UAE, is all about lending a helping hand to Palestinians caught up in the Gaza Strip conflict. It’s a ray of hope in a pretty dark time. ...

The Race to Support Biodiversity

Now in its eighth year, the City Nature Challenge is a global event that calls on current and aspiring nature and science fans, people of all ages and education backgrounds, and community scientists to observe and submit pictures of wild plants, animals and fungi using the free mobile...

No One Is Strong Alone — Working Together to Support Students

On a quiet morning, a taxi pulled over to the side of a road in Zhongzheng District, Keelung City, northern Taiwan. The driver, Mr. Wu, got out of his car and called out to a nearby house: “Anybody home? Mr. Chen, please come out and get your supplies!” A boy of junior high school age...

The Best Support for Disability Work Is *with* the Disability Community

On the African continent, infrustructural inadequacies make mobility a challenge — for everybody, and that much more so for people with physical disabilities. The lack of affordable well-constructed assistive devices further heightens this problem, and well-intentioned donations...

Do Emotional Support Animals Really Support Mental Health?

I moved to San Francisco in 1990, the same year that President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). At the time, seeing a non-human mammal in a restaurant or street car was an anomaly. In the three decades since then, our urban landscapes have changed dramatically. We now co...

Digital Support, Real Impact: AskSHEROES Helpline’s Yearlong Journey, Offering Free Professional Counselling to Millions of Women in 2023

Inthe vast expanse of online social networks, SHEROES emerges as a trailblazer by prioritizing mental health for its 25M+ strong tribe of incredible women. At its core lies the AskSHEROES Helpline — A lifeline for women worldwide, offering free 24/7 online counseling chat support tha...

The Sacred Haven You Call Home: Your Bedrock of Spiritual Support

You want the energy in your home to flow just like you want it to flow in your body. Make room for that energy to move and flow. Create spaces for it. This usually means you need to declutter, pare down and organize like things with like. Stuck energy in your environment will have an effect on...

Why Do Black People Support Racists?

Sen. Tim Scott’s recent endorsement of Donald Trump is a reminder that many politicians can be opportunists who are quick to take positions which are politically expedient. In this case, Sen. Scott recognizes that Donald Trump is the frontrunner in the Republican primary and that being on Trum...

Managing Soft Support Voters

Seventy-eight million Americans are key to the USA’s post-2024 election. But reaching 2020’s non-voters requires a different understanding of how elections really work. Over the course of about 10 Medium articles, I have tried to educate political writers on Medium on the nature of el...

Tribal Libraries Support Culture and Craft in American Indian Communities

Libraries play an essential role in preserving indigenous history and cultural identity. Libraries and the individuals working therein have always tried to teach, support, and empower their communities by providing information and resources. Because April is American Indian Awareness Month, le...

Autistic Support Might Be Privilege

When I was a child, life was okay. It began to go downhill at the age of seven, when I had a prophetic vision. The vision centered on a new girl at the school. We’ll call her Emma. She moved to our school from another country and within a few days was crazy popular. I’d been going ...

‘Blue Lives Matter’ Just Means We Support Police Killing Blacks

Those three words ‘Blue Lives Matter’ have become more popular with right-wingers in the last few years. I’ve seen these flags and stickers fairly often. It seems to be a noble thing to support law enforcement. But……. The increase in the displays of the ‘Blue...

Next-Generation Surrogate Wnts Support Organoid Growth and Deconvolute Frizzled Pleiotropy In Vivo

Axial partners with great founders and inventors. We invest in early-stage life sciences companies such as Appia Bio, Seranova Bio, Delix Therapeutics, Simcha Therapeutics, among others often when they are no more than an idea. We are fanatical about helping the rare inventor who is compelled to bui...

Medical Support in Partnership e.V.

Am 3.2.2024 um 06:55 ging es in Wien Schwechat endlich los — das erste österreichische Team von MSIPEV brach mit einem Umweg über Amsterdam Richtung Süden auf. Ziel: das mehr als 7000km entfernte HFH in Techiman, Ghana. Nach einem zu frühen Morgen mit Treffpunkt um 04:30 a...

The State With The Strongest Support For Secession

When the idea of modern secession from the United States is brought up, a few states usually jump to mind. The two most prominent states at the forefront of the small but growing secession movements are Texas and California. Both states are large and have massive economies and distinct cultural flav...

The Nature of Networks that Support Innovation

In my research, based on my work, I used sociology to describe the social networks that support innovation. We see these specific networks in places where innovation thrives. They exist around the successful startup ecosystems, and in particular underpin startup accelerators. It turns out they are c...

Mental Health Awareness and Support

Mental health recognition and help have grow to be increasingly more crucial topics, in particular in current years. Right here are a few key components of intellectual fitness recognition and help: Training and consciousness: increasing public know-how of mental health issues is vital for decrea...