Tag: Strong

3 Habits That Will Make You Mentally Strong

Now, obviously there are aspects of your mind that you can’t control… Whether a specific memory pops into mind, for example. Or whether you feel afraid of almost getting run over by a car. So becoming mentally strong doesn’t mean you are able to exert complete control...

6 Habits That Will Make You Mentally Strong

Mental strength is not an innate trait; it is a skill that can be developed through consistent practice and self-awareness. In today’s fast-paced and often challenging world, cultivating mental strength is crucial to navigating through life’s ups and downs with resilience and grace. By a...

3 Habits That Will Make You Mentally Strong

Here’s how I think about mental strength: Mental strength is the ability to control your mind instead of being controlled by it. For example: Instead of getting sucked into spirals of self-criticism and shame, mental strength is what allows you to redirect your attention and th...

4 Habits of Emotionally Strong People

Most people hear the term emotionally strong and assume that it means the ability to ignore your emotions or not feel them. But that’s dead wrong… Emotional strength isn’t about getting rid of difficult feelings — it means you know how to respond to them in a he...

You Are Strong, You Are Capable

Wage war against the tendency of your mind to stagnate and accept the status quo. You are capable of greatness. It lies deep within all of us waiting to be discovered. I used to subconsciously think that in the next life, things will be better. I will achieve more, do more. The older I get, I&...

How to Change Your Organization’s Culture for Strong Leadership

Learn what organisational culture is, why it matters and how you can influence it as a leader to create a positive and productive work environment. Here is a true story of a software engineer named Raj (pseudo name to keep privacy!) who worked at a startup company. This company was know...

5 Free Data Engineering projects to build your strong portfolio in 2023

Data Engineering is a rewarding career that is Booming right now. The need for skilled professionals in this field is increasing day by day. DE is critical in a data-driven world to build, design, and manage data science pipelines and maintain data infrastructure for powering data applications. ...

When Your Home Becomes ‘Strong’

Ten years ago, two bombs exploded on either side of the front door to my home. 281 people were injured, many lost their legs. 3 people lost their lives. It was the Boston Marathon Bombing. I suffered no tangible loss like so many people did. My blood stayed within me, though I think the way it...

Aldar generates $844m as first two phases of Dubai project sell out on strong demand

Aldar Properties, Abu Dhabi’s biggest listed developer, generated Dh3.1 billion ($844 million) from the sale of 786 villas and townhouses as the first two phases of its Dubai residential project sold out on strong demand from buyers. The developer put 468 units up for sale in the first phas...

Dubai’s apartments record higher price gains on strong demand in August

Prices for apartments in Dubai increased along with those of villas and townhouses last month, according to real estate consultancy ValuStrat. The market for apartments experienced capital gains of 1.5 per cent monthly and expanded at a record 10 per cent annually, the highest capital growth in a...

Creating Strong Communities in Church Settings | Pastor Gary Petersen | Philanthropy & Community Involvement

Community is at the heart of the church, and creating a solid and supportive community is essential for its members’ spiritual growth and well-being. Foster Authentic Relationships: Building a strong church community begins with authentic relationships . Encourage members to ge...

The Importance Of Early Retirement Planning: Building A Strong Foundation

Naira and Wajahat discussed what is retirement planning. They explored the significance of starting early, understanding inflation, and factoring in medical expenses. Wajahat, now intrigued, asked about the best investment plan for monthly income post-retirement. Naira shared insig...

To Let Go of Your Ego, You Need to Make It Strong First

when I first started meditating, I encountered the concept of “letting go of your ego” almost immediately. I found it appealing. I gave in to fantasies of “being one with all life” and “finding infinity in the present moment.” Getting rid of my ego quickly beca...

Strong Women, You Make Men Uncomfortable

How often have we heard assertive women being labelled as “bossy” or “too much”? It’s 2023, yet some men still perceive women who refuse to play small as a threat. As a father of two amazing daughters, I’ve never understood why some men are uncomfortable wit...

Do Americans Want Freedom — or Do We Want a Tyrannical Strong-Man ‘Daddy’?

There’s a devastating paradox at the heart of our American experiment: Do we truly want freedom, or do we want to be led and controlled by a strong-man leader — emphasis on ‘man’? Do we want real independence and shared freedom — or just comfortable dependence...

Are strong political parties good?

Over time, the American political system has become steadily more democratic — controlled by the people at large, rather than by party bosses negotiating with each other in smoke-filled rooms. This trend can be seen in the evolution of the presidential primary system; it can also be seen ...

Hollow nanoparticles linked by DNA make usually strong material

At the heart of this groundbreaking discovery are hollow nanoparticles, minuscule entities with immense potential. These microscopic marvels, often overlooked, possess unique properties that make them formidable candidates for crafting sturdy materials. Unlike their solid counterparts, hollow ...

Strong Women, Rogues, and Poachers: a Family History

Many of you have met your great-grandparents, even if only as small children. My wife remembers hers. I never met mine. One of my great-grandmothers was born in 1835 and her husband in 1828. Between them and my granddaughter born in 2021 is a span of nearly two centuries. The first Salisbury i...