How to Change Your Organization’s Culture for Strong Leadership

<p><em>Learn what organisational culture is, why it matters and how you can influence it as a leader to create a positive and productive work environment.</em></p> <p>Here is a true story of a software engineer named Raj&nbsp;<em>(pseudo name to keep privacy!)</em>&nbsp;who worked at a startup company. This company was known to offer innovative tech solutions for various business problems. Having high hopes of working with a new-age company, dealing with cutting-edge technologies and learning from experienced mentors, Raj was very excited when he received the offer letter!</p> <p>But soon he realized that the reality was far from his expectations.</p> <p>Within 2 months of his interactions with his coworkers and senior leadership team, he started to feel suffocated at his workplace.</p> <p>Some of the issues he faced were:</p> <ul> <li>CEO was a micromanager who constantly interfered with the technical decisions of the engineers. He would often change the requirements and scope of the projects without consulting the team or the clients. He also had unrealistic deadlines and expectations, which used to then put a lot of pressure on the engineers to deliver results on time.</li> <li>CTO was a pseudo-narcissist who took credit for the work of others and equally blamed them for any failures. Having no technical expertise or vision, he relied on outdated and inefficient tools and methods leading to bureaucratic ways of working within the team. He also ignored the feedback and suggestions of the engineers, lacked accountability and also dismissed new ideas calling it as impractical or unnecessary.</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>