Tag: Speak

Speak to me: How many words a model is reading

LLMs have shown their skills in recent months, demonstrating that they are proficient in a wide variety of tasks. All this through one mode of interaction: prompting. In recent months there has been a rush to broaden the context of language models. But how does this affect a language mo...

Is It Sexist to Speak Ill of Patriarchy?

Recently  Argumentative Penguin  wrote one of the most disjointed, most chaotic, most non-linear essays I think I’ve ever read on Medium. Normally, I would have simply disregarded it and moved on, but in this particular instance, he had tagged me. In addition, he had put forth ...

How to Be Bold and Speak Up in Meetings

Are you bold enough to say what you need to say in a meeting, or do you feel knots in your stomach and refuse to speak up? You may find it hard to share your voice in a meeting because of these limiting beliefs: What if they think my idea is stupid? I don’t have anything valuable to s...

The Paintings I Bring Back Home Speak to Me

Irecently read about it on social media and reached a self-diagnosis of a condition that I suffer from called Notriphobia. Do you get it? No-trip-phobia — the fear of not having any trips booked. :) I have been collecting souvenirs from my travels since I was 7 years old. Thanks to my...

Learning to Speak Dutch

People have told me that learning a new language at my age is difficult. They have also said that Dutch is difficult. Both are true, but it is also true that learning Dutch is fun. I can’t claim to speak Dutch yet, but I have hit some milestones that I think are meaningful. They make me ...

Do I Have the Courage to Speak My Truth and Shine My Light?

Senior moments: That time, I was looking all over the house for my glasses that were perched atop my head — that’s hilarious. That’s a senior moment, as well as all those times I found myself standing in a room wondering why the hell I went in there. It’s healthy to m...

Fossils Speak Out: Countering Young Earth Theory

Introduction The age of the Earth has been a topic of great interest and debate for centuries. While the scientific consensus supports an age of approximately 4.5 billion years, a vocal minority still adheres to the belief in a young Earth theory, suggesting an age of only a few thousand years. T...

Does Your Jewelry Speak Volumes? A Fun Quiz to Discover Your Style

The Minimalist vs. The Maximalist: Which Suits Your Style? Do you prefer a minimalist approach to accessorizing or are you all about embracing maximalist extravagance? 5. Less is More or More is More? Less is More: You believe in the power of simplicity, opting for clean lines and unde...

Henoscene: Where Actions Speak Louder than Likes

Le Mondeur is seeking designs that capture the spirit of the iconic Big Five animals, where each animal can only be visualized in their designated media format, i.e. the lion (generative AI), rhinoceros (illustration), elephant (graffiti or typography), buffalo (painting), and leopard (photography.)...

Brows Speak Louder than Words

Your eyebrows are a key feature that can significantly enhance your overall appearance. Well-shaped and properly groomed brows can make you look more polished, youthful, and put-together. On the other hand, unkempt or over-plucked brows can detract from your facial symmetry and overall attractivenes...

How to Learn English Fast: Speak Fluently in 90 Days or Less

Do you want to learn English fast? Many people do and with good reason! English is the most commonly spoken language in the world, and speaking it fluently can open up many doors for you. Whether you’re planning on traveling to an English-speaking country or simply want to converse with friend...

Speak Daily — Beginner Day 3— A Day at the Park

Going to the park on a sunny day is a simple pleasure enjoyed by people all over the world. In the park, you can see children playing on the swings, dogs running around happily, and families having picnics on the green grass. The sounds of laughter and chatting fill the air, creating a lively atmosp...

How To Speak Fluent English (In a Passive Way)

As a person whose first language is not English, It was very hard for me to think and speak in English. Back in my school days, I spoke butler English and I paused in between and lacked confidence in the way I spoke. And I was bullied for my English too. I was also scared to take a spoken English cl...

Speak English Confidently: 5 English Learning Apps for Conversational Fluency

Achieving conversational fluency in English is a goal many language learners aspire to. The ability to express oneself confidently in everyday conversations is a crucial aspect of language proficiency. In this article, we’ll explore five English learning apps that specialize in developing conv...

When you call someone…

I was driving this morning to the office and there was a telemarketing call from Angel One. I did not know who the caller was and picked it up. The guy on the other side was speaking in Hindi. I could not hear him clearly. Though I know Hindi reasonably well, I just asked him in English “Wh...

Do People from Iran Speak Farsi, or Persian?

Luckily for learners, Persian and Farsi are, for most intents and purposes, congruent. But what to call the language is a spicy issue. Historically, it was obvious to everyone that in Persia they spoke the Persian language. But in the 1930s, the shah decreed that he would like everyone to start call...

What is it like being readily able to speak four languages

I say ‘readily able’ because I did not have to put in much effort. I am not special. I just happen to be bornt in Malaysia, a multiracial country, with Chinese ancestry. My grandparents were also bornt and raised in Malaysia but we are ethnically completely Chinese (unless a future DNA f...

How I learned to speak Portuguese in 8 weeks

I had generally held the belief that learning a second language was a complete waste of time. In primary school, I was given no choice but to learn Italian. I’m happy to report that I graduated with the ability to speak 10 colours and 5 animals. Almost fluent. I completed three more years o...

3%: The Quest To Speak Portuguese

I have always loved the selection Netflix has to offer. I was a Marvel junkie for the longest time and rewatched Daredevil in both English and Spanish because I enjoyed it so much. I always try to keep subtitles on in another language so I can get a little information out of it. After moving to B...

I Understand the Language, but I Cannot Speak It.

I have been teaching Spanish for more than 4 years, and many of my students always say the same thing, “I can understand what you are saying but cannot reply”. Learning a foreign language can be challenging, and many people face difficulties when trying to become fluent speakers. Have...

2 Valuable Lessons I Learned Trying to Speak Spanish With Locals

This was me 2 months after moving to Spain. The master plan was to quickly pick up the lingo, impress the locals, and make friends in the neighbourhood bar. Piece of cake, I thought. But, it was harder than I could ever imagine. Here are 2 valuable lessons I learned during the harsh real...