Do People from Iran Speak Farsi, or Persian?

<p>Luckily for learners, Persian and Farsi are, for most intents and purposes, congruent. But what to call the language is a spicy issue. Historically, it was obvious to everyone that in Persia they spoke the Persian language. But in the 1930s, the shah decreed that he would like everyone to start calling his country Iran. This was what Iranians had always called their homeland, and it seemed reasonable that the West should finally stop using an exonym invented by the Romans based on a dynasty that fell in A.D. 224. But there was also a less wholesome motive: Iran means &ldquo;Aryan,&rdquo; after the warrior people who settled South Asia and Europe in the distant past. Iran updated its name in part to impress Adolf Hitler.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Speak Farsi