Tag: Slavery

The Debt Slavery Of A Nation

Since Sri Lanka defaulted on its debt we have been colonized again. This time by the IMF, with policy run out of the American Embassy with Indians as enforcers. Same colonial shit, different capitalist day. This is marketed as ‘stabilization’ but it’s really just the rich standing ...

Was Athenian Democracy Dependent on Slavery?

Back in November 2021 I published a piece in Areo magazine called ‘Was Athenian Democracy Dependent on Imperialism?’ When I sent the editor this second installment on slavery, she asked me to re-work the piece to incorporate some introductory material on Athenian democracy...

The Greco-Roman Roots of Chattel Slavery

I wrote an essay titled “Slavery in Greece and Rome as a Parallel to New World Slavery” which explored the reality that chattel slavery existed as a reality in Greco-Roman societies long before the developed of racial chattel slavery in the Americas. The point that I made is that the two...

The age of slavery

This essay is about some fascinating parallels in the practice of slavery during the medieval period in India and Turkey. Slavery became an essential part of life for the intrusive ruling class in both places to obtain workers, women, servants, and soldiers. Since the available manpower in suppor...

Why It's Hard for Some People to Admit the Civil War Was Over Slavery

Like Humpty Dumpty after he fell off the wall, there was a time when America needed to be put back together again after a great fall, the Civil War. Yet, generations later, some people are still unwilling to admit the conflict had anything to do with chattel slavery. Instead, they will lean upon the...

What Do You Wish More People Knew About Black History?

Beyond Slavery and Superstars: What I Wish More People Knew About Black History Black history is often relegated to a single month of token recognition, painted with broad strokes of slavery, segregation, and a handful of celebrated figures. But to truly understand the richness and comple...

“I Think People Are Upset About All The Slavery”

White people are a funny species. Replace the word “funny” with whatever you like. I had Thanksgiving with some family yesterday. Much of it was lovely! We were all sick, so we missed out on the big big dinner with everyone, but some of us got together and ordered East Side Mario&rsqu...

Slavery, Colonialism and White Supremacy

In many global health institutions, the positions of power and leadership are most often occupied by White people. The underlying assumption is that White knowledge is superior and White people have the solutions to Black and brown peoples’ problems. This is very evident in the project develop...

When Black Women Used Hair Braids to Escape Slavery

Any student of history knows that Africans were enslaved in more places than just the U.S. In fact, over the period of 400 years from the 1500s all the way to the early 1900s, 12.5 million Africans were kidnapped and transported to the Americas. Most historians, including Dr. Henry Louis Gates...