The Greco-Roman Roots of Chattel Slavery

<p>I wrote an essay titled &ldquo;Slavery in Greece and Rome as a Parallel to New World Slavery&rdquo; which explored the reality that chattel slavery existed as a reality in Greco-Roman societies long before the developed of racial chattel slavery in the Americas. The point that I made is that the two systems of slavery were not extremely different from each other since both systems of slavery reduced the enslaved to chattel. The slave in these systems was seen more as property than being a person.</p> <p>The roots of slavery in the Greco-Roman world can be traced back to various factors, including warfare, debt, and economic necessity. Slaves were often acquired through conquests in war, where prisoners became property to be bought and sold. Debtors who could not repay their loans might also find themselves enslaved as a means of settling their debts. The demand for labor in agriculture, mining, and domestic service further fueled the institution of slavery.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>