“I Think People Are Upset About All The Slavery”

<p>White people are a funny species. Replace the word &ldquo;funny&rdquo; with whatever you like.</p> <p>I had Thanksgiving with some family yesterday. Much of it was lovely! We were all sick, so we missed out on the big big dinner with everyone, but some of us got together and ordered East Side Mario&rsquo;s. Yumm.</p> <p>Things have been funny with my dad at times. We&rsquo;re very different. We love each other in spite of our differences, but they&rsquo;re there. We both know it.</p> <p>He was telling us to keep our eyes on the stock market. With conflict in the Middle East, there&rsquo;s speculation it will affect stock prices.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/feminista101/i-think-people-are-upset-about-all-the-slavery-ca6f1ecd2e7a"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Slavery