Tag: roots

Going back to the roots. A Crypto 2022 sum up and thoughts for the future

In 1981, Odyssey released “Going back to my roots”. I’m literally sitting here and listening to it, while trying to figure out how to sum up a year that has shaken the crypto industry. Every time the industry is shaken, it gives us the opportunity to reiterate why we chose to come ...

Going back to the roots. A Crypto 2022 sum up and thoughts for the future

In 1981, Odyssey released “Going back to my roots”. I’m literally sitting here and listening to it, while trying to figure out how to sum up a year that has shaken the crypto industry. Every time the industry is shaken, it gives us the opportunity to reiterate why we chose to come ...

The Roots of Our Discontent: Florida

I’m starting a little something different here at Reluctant Moderation. Each week, I’d like to take a look at some of the roots of our current state of discontent here in America, those places and events and people who seem to crystallize so much of what makes us so increasingl...

Street Art Roots And Where To Find Them

I was staring at a large black graffiti on the wall of a library. There was a typo in the word “Illusion,” written with one L. Well, I thought, this particular individual doesn’t have a bright future as a generational street artist. Nor does he have any patience to pause for a mome...

Tracing the Roots of Graffiti in the Philippines

With the graffiti movement in the Philippines on the rise in the past couple of years, adding vibrancy and diversity to our arts and culture, how much do we know about its beginnings in the Philippines? In this article, I focused on knowing one of the key movers in the history and progression of gra...

She’s Allergic to Fish, but Her Steamed Cod Curry Recipe is an Ode to her Cambodian Roots

Lisa Lov is allergic to fish but when her restaurant Tigermom wanted to add something fish-based to their menu, she decided to take charge and make a Cambodian steamed cod curry, which reminded her of her Cambodian heritage, and also, of the hospital, where she was rushed to after eating fish! Li...

“Bored Ape Yacht Club Founders Donate $1 Million to Miami: A Homage to their Roots”

There’s a saying that you can never forget where you come from, and for the founders of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), this could not be truer. They love their hometown, Miami, a city known for its cultural diversity, vibrant artistic community, and dynamic nightlife. It is a city that never...

Understanding Craving and Clinging: The Roots of Suffering in Buddhism

In Buddhism, there’s a subtle but vital distinction between clinging and craving. Craving is like a thirst, a deep longing for something we don’t have, whether it’s material things, experiences, or even relationships. It’s that restless feeling of wanting more. Clinging, on t...

Unearthing the Roots of Racial Inequity in America

I was born under the skylights of the third-floor operating room in the old, red brick Dr. John Warner Hospital three doors east of the house that would be my home for the next eighteen years. By late May, the towering ancient apple tree in our backyard would be peppered with white blossoms and the ...

8 Things You Didn’t Know about Jon Stewart’s Roots

Until a few years ago, Jon Stewart came into our living rooms four nights a week to both educate and entertain us. Now he uses his celebrity sparingly to support select causes such as keeping our commitments to and 9/11 first responders, but otherwise keeps a low profile. He didn’t, for instan...

Decades of White Resentment: A Closer Look at Its Roots and Impact

The Post-Civil Rights Era (1960s-1970s): White resentment gained momentum as the Civil Rights Movement challenged longstanding racial hierarchies. Desegregation efforts and affirmative action policies stirred apprehension among some white individuals who felt their traditional privileges ...

How To Have Sex: Insights from Science.

In the quest for deeper intimacy and sexual satisfaction, science and spirituality converge in unexpected ways. Emerging research, including a pivotal study on this topic (source below) reveals that psychedelic experiences can significantly enhance various aspects of sexual well-being. This explorat...

Examining Basque and Japanese Roots

Although Basque is an ergative-absolutive language (similar to Tibetan or the Inuit-Aleut languages), the word order generally follows the subject-object-verb pattern found in Japanese. This will sound foreign to native speakers of subject-verb-object languages such as English, C...

Roots Unveiled: Exploring the Tapestry of Origins in ‘Where Are You From?’

In the quaint town of Meadowville, a close-knit community nestled between rolling hills and serene meadows, the question “Where are you from?” held a unique significance. The town was a mosaic of diverse backgrounds, each family contributing a thread to the rich tapestry of its history. ...

The Tokyo Ever After Series: Surface Level Exploration of Culture or a Reconnection with Ancestral Roots?

I initially wasn’t sold on wanting to read these books given the premise when I looked at the flap inside the book cover. It seemed predictable and full of tropes that I didn’t feel like reading anymore, but I was in a reading slump and decided to give it a chance. While I was right i...

Unveiling the Tapestry of Museology: Tracing its Roots

Introduction: Museums stand as time capsules, preserving and presenting the rich tapestry of human civilization. Behind the curated exhibits and meticulously designed displays lies the fascinating field of museology, a discipline that has evolved over centuries. In this blog post, we embark on a ...

Exploring Our Shared Roots: Insights from Sapiens

Something I’ve read recently that seriously changed how I look at the world is Sapiens. That book is pure magic. The way it talks about the stark realities of human existence and how human nature came to be as it is right now with all the liberals and the extremists and the fundamentalists. ...

Tickled with Love: The Affectionate Roots of 'Gigil’

*Disclosure: This article was assisted by AI technology. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and originality, some content may be influenced by the AI’s algorithms and data sources.* Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash Introduction 'Gigil’, a Filipino word...

Jeff Bezos and his Spanish roots

Weall know the famous multimillionaire CEO and founder of one of the most famous distribution companies, Amazon. The company he founded back in 1994 out of his garage in Seattle has been growing non-stop ever since . Most recently, he has returned back to media because of...