The Tokyo Ever After Series: Surface Level Exploration of Culture or a Reconnection with Ancestral Roots?

<p>I initially wasn&rsquo;t sold on wanting to read these books given the premise when I looked at the flap inside the book cover. It seemed predictable and full of tropes that I didn&rsquo;t feel like reading anymore, but I was in a reading slump and decided to give it a chance.</p> <p>While I was right in that the books weren&rsquo;t going to be anything amazing, they did surprise me in certain regards that most other YA books aren&rsquo;t able to. The main character struggled with her identity as an Asian American and was unsure about what to do with her life in a way that was relatable to me. I was curious enough about the story to want to read the sequel to see where everyone and everything ended up.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>