Street Art Roots And Where To Find Them

<p>I was staring at a large black graffiti on the wall of a library. There was a typo in the word &ldquo;Illusion,&rdquo; written with one L. Well, I thought, this particular individual doesn&rsquo;t have a bright future as a generational street artist. Nor does he have any patience to pause for a moment and check the correct spelling of a fairly simple word.</p> <p>Unless he meant it, then he is a genius.</p> <p>A reasonable question then popped up: what makes street art worth anything? And where did it all begin?</p> <p>First, let us distinguish a piece of art from a thoughtless act of paint or paper application. After observing a lot of both and partaking in the first, I&rsquo;ve formed my own theory to explain artistic value of street art.</p> <p>Undoubtedly, streets have become galleries. As in any gallery, there are shallow works and profound, thoughtful ones. Some are even culturally significant. Others are considered acts of vandalism. But vandalism is essentially an act of attention attraction. Paint on walls has been a medium for social protest for over half a century now and still floods the streets and minds. You know, Banksy is as much of a vandal as Malevich or Manet with Olympia.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Street roots