Tag: Quit

6 Reasons to Quit Porn for Good

This article has nothing to do with religion or morals. It is simply looking at how watching porn can be damaging. A growing number of people are starting to wake up to the harmful impact that watching porn can have on their lives. A big movement has formed on Reddit, and more people have started...

Don t Quit the Rat Race. Your 9–5 Isn’t the Problem. Do This Instead.

I have a real issue with the ‘quit the rat race’ narrative. It’s been a progressive thing. In truth, three years ago I was taken with the idea. Two years ago I started to see its flaws. A year ago I decided to build a business entirely around opposing the idea. Six months ago I ...

Can It Be Difficult to Cash Out A 401K When You Quit A Job?

Precisely what happens to your 401k when you quit a job can vary depending on rules relating to the account. In some cases, your investments can stay right where they are, and you can tap them when you reach retirement age without much difficulty or financial penalties. However, rolling over the ...

6 magical things that happened when I quit judging other people

Last week, I published a piece called “For Lent, I’m giving up judging other people”. It wasn’t one I planned to write, and wasn’t a challenge I anticipated myself attempting. But there I was, sitting in a coffee shop in Memphis, TN on my way to Arkansas reflect...

I Quit Worrying For Good. Here’s How.

Worry prevents you from enjoying the present. It causes fear and traps you in a state of inaction. I suffered from it a lot. It started as a teenager. I would lie awake at night, worrying about friendships, grades, and my looks. Later, other worries were added to the list. Often, my worryin...

I Quit Worrying For Good. Here’s How I Did It

I used to worry about anything and everything. It seemed like worry had taken up permanent residence in my mind, casting a shadow over even the brightest moments of my life. From the smallest of tasks to the grandest of plans, there was always a nagging voice in the back of my head, whispering...

Taylor Swift revealed 1 very important reason to quit alcohol now

While Swift hasn’t indicated any desire to remove alcohol from her life permanently, her decision to quit temporarily ahead of her blockbuster Eras tour offers an important lesson for anyone looking to boost their workplace or entrepreneurial productivity and success. It’s a lesson I ...

Don’t Quit Coffee. Try This Instead

Coffee is the most popular drug in the world. As a lifestyle drug, it enables billions of people daily to function. But it has its dark side, too. When I got into coffee, I quickly became an avid drinker. I like its taste, love the smell, and use it as a regular kickstart for my day. Only u...

Why Quit Drinking?

Why one should quit drinking might seem like a no-brainer, because, duh, why wouldn’t you want to get sober? The most recent numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put alcohol related deaths in the United States at 178,000 during a year long period in 2020–2021. That...

Things No One Tells You When You Quit Opioids

It’s been 2 years since I last had a craving. Last week the crippling morning cravings returned. Today I woke up with every fiber of my body screaming for heroin. I want to get high right now. That was reality every day when I first quit. With time the voices subsided. A week ago, the...