Don t Quit the Rat Race. Your 9–5 Isn’t the Problem. Do This Instead.

<p>I have a real issue with the &lsquo;quit the rat race&rsquo; narrative.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s been a progressive thing. In truth, three years ago I was taken with the idea. Two years ago I started to see its flaws. A year ago I decided to build a business entirely around opposing the idea. Six months ago I started to get really angry.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s the notion that everything you&rsquo;ve ever wanted exists beyond the 9&ndash;5 grind. That if you can just quit. If you can&nbsp;<em>just&nbsp;</em>pluck up the courage to walk into you&rsquo;re boss&rsquo;s office and slap that piece of paper on her desk and say &lsquo;cya later&rsquo;, all your problems will be solved.</p> <p>Overnight. The big gaping hole will be filled in an instant. If you can just quit, all your problems, will simply, float away.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s this surface-level thinking that gets people into a pickle. It certainly got me into one. I&rsquo;ve spent the best part of this morning thinking about this idea. Why is it that people believe they need to quit in order to live a good life?</p> <p>Some thoughts:</p> <ul> <li>Work feels so bad that you feel like you need an equal and opposite force to adjust the balance. Quitting feels big.</li> <li>Quitting is simple and easy to understand. Figure out what else you want to do with your life, is not.</li> <li>It feels like the part in the movie where you get up and start taking ownership of your life. It feels heroic.</li> </ul> <p>Realistically it&rsquo;s probably a combination of all of those and not really knowing what entrepreneurship feels like. Entrepreneurship, we can all agree, gets idolised.</p> <p>Work for yourself. Make your own rules. Build on your own terms. Take the day off. Do whatever you like. Whenever you like.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Quit Race Rat