Tag: Quantum

Exploring Quantum Computing: From Essential Mathematical Equations to Python Scripts and…

We’re back to explore more of the quantum computing world, and guess what? Math is still our best buddy on this journey. In Part 1, we familiarized with complex numbers, matrix math, and even did some fun with Python. Now, in Part 2, we’re going deeper into quantum computing. TL;DR: ...

How Quantum coin flipping works part7(Quantum Information Science)

Abstract : In this paper, we present a loss-tolerant quantum strong coin flipping protocol with bias 0.359. This is an improvement over Berlin etal’s protocol [BBBG08] which achieves a bias of 0.4. To achieve this, we extend Berlin et al.’s protocol by adding an encryption step that hide...

Latest advancements on Boson sampling part4(Quantum Information Science)

Solving Graph Problems Using Gaussian Boson Sampling(arXiv) Author : Yu-Hao Deng, Si-Qiu Gong, Yi-Chao Gu, Zhi-Jiong Zhang, Hua-Liang Liu, Hao Su, Hao-Yang Tang, Jia-Min Xu, Meng-Hao Jia, Ming-Cheng Chen, Han-Sen Zhong, Hui Wang,&nb...

Why you should start studying Quantum Machine Learning

Introduction Hello! Thank you for stopping by in my first of many posts on Medium. Here I intend to write and share posts about Quantum Machine Learning (QML). Why am I doing this and why Quantum ML? In the last few months I have been thinking about career and future and that many tools tha...

Latest advancements on Boson sampling part3(Quantum Information Science)

Abstract : Gaussian boson sampling constitutes a prime candidate for an experimental demonstration of quantum advantage within reach with current technological capabilities. The original proposal employs photon-number-resolving detectors, however the latter are not widely available. On the other han...

How Quantum coin flipping works part4(Quantum Information Science)

Abstract : So far, most of existed single-shot quantum coin flipping(QCF) protocols failed in a noisy quantum channel. Here, we present a nested-structured framework that makes it possible to achieve partially noise-tolerant QCF, due to that there is a trade-off between the security and the justice ...

Why you should start studying Quantum Machine Learning

In the last few months I have been thinking about career and future and that many tools that I currently work with nowadays did not exist 10 years ago, and then I thought: how things are going to be in 10 years from now? Well, the most honest answer is I don’t know, but I can try and make a gu...

Unlocking the Power of Quantum Machine Learning: A Beginner’s Guide

Imagine a world where the limitations of classical physics do not bind computers. Instead, they harness the mind-bending properties of quantum mechanics. A world where machines can process information and solve complex problems unimaginably. This is the world of Quantum Machine Learning. From fin...

Industry Leaders BlockAPT and Unyted Join Forces to Revolutionise Quantum Security in the Metaverse

BlockAPT, a leader in quantum-secure IT solutions, and Unyted, an innovative virtual world creator and metaverse platform developer, are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership aimed at delivering pioneering and secure IT solutions tailor-made for the metaverse. BlockAPT and Unyted will comb...

Aristotle and Aquinas take on quantum physics

In the 13th century, physics was in its infancy. People still believed the Sun went around the Earth. The state-of-the-art theories of the day in Western Europe were 16 centuries old. The medieval period was also the naissance of arguments for God’s existence. These arguments were independe...

Concept of ‘Time’ in Vedas and How It relates to Quantum Physics

Kaala is a measure of time. The first mention of time is recorded in detail in Atharva Veda. I am very curious about the nature of time from Quantum, Mathematical, Philosophical, and Spiritual perspectives and hence explored the verses in the Vedas. Here is an account of what I could surmise. Rem...

Quantum Computing: Today’s Glimpse into Tomorrow’s Computational Frontier

The term “quantum computing” may sound like something you usually hear and see in a sci-fi movie. However, the first models of such a machine were introduced in the 1980s, so at least the quantum computer concept is not new. Operating with classical bits, traditional computing systems ha...

Quantum Annealing: Unleashing Real-Time Adaptability in Self-Driving Cars

Welcome to an interactive and engaging exploration of quantum annealing and its profound impact on real-time adaptability in self-driving cars. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the capabilities of this cutting-edge technology and explore how it will transform the everyday user experienc...

Before the Big Bang, Dark Energy Revealed, Quantum Gravity and Singularities: The Theory of Space-Matter

The universe does not have a universal beginning or ending for all matter. Rather, the universe has a beginning, duration and ending based on the size of the body which experiences it. Dark energy is a double-arrowed force in which one end of the force (gravity) repels the other end of the force ...

Delving into Causal Dynamical Triangulation: Unraveling the Discrete Nature of Spacetime in Quantum Gravity

In the vast realms of theoretical physics, two fundamental theories have shaped our understanding of the universe: spacetime and quantum gravity. Spacetime, a concept introduced by Einstein's general relativity, provides a framework where the fabric of the universe is intertwined with the forces...

Quantum Geometrodynamics: A Unified Framework

In this paper, we present a unified framework within the realm of Quantum Geometrodynamics, introducing novel concepts and mathematical formalisms that significantly contribute to the advancement of Project Temporal Revelation. Our approach combines insights from lattice quantum gravity, renormaliza...

Quantum Mechanics: A Beginner’s Guide to the Mysterious World of Atoms and Particles

In our world, things are usually straightforward and logical. For example, a car is resting or moving, or a man is walking or sitting. There is no middle ground or a combination of states from a macroscopic level. Quantum Physics, as we know it, is complicated and hard to comprehend. To be pre...

70 year old quantum prediction comes true, as something is created from nothing

Whoever said, “you can’t get something from nothing” must never have learned quantum physics. As long as you have empty space — the ultimate in physical nothingness — simply manipulating it in the right way will inevitably cause something to emerge. Collide two particle...

How and Why Quantum Computing Can Change Astrophysics Forever

Outer space is a big place. When studying the endless expanse of the universe, limits in our technology and understanding are always being broken. In fact, astrophysical pursuit has been the pioneer for many new innovations, from GPS to memory foam. The edges of our power are once again being ...

How Quantum computer and Biotechnology will transform the world

Traditionally, computers are part of our daily life. Every computer consists of a Central Procession Unit (CPU) which is made up of tiny circuits of elements called Silicon Wafers. Classical computers come in BITS, it is made out of pieces of silicon which can either be in the state of zero or on...

Quantum bioinformatics, building futuristic biological laboratories on computers?

Quantum Computing is a type of computing that uses quantum superposition of electrons or atoms instead of semiconductors or electronics as in conventional computers, where 2 states of silicon is used to develop a whole system based on bits and binaries. Quantum superposition makes much more complex ...

Quantum-Selected Configuration Interaction: Classical Diagonalization of Hamiltonians in Subspaces Selected by Quantum Computers

Quantum computing has opened up a realm of possibilities, especially in the area of simulating and understanding complex quantum systems in areas like quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics. Recent paper by QunaSys describes a promising approach- Quantum-Selected Configuration Interaction (Q...

Quantum for Dummies (part 30)

As the quantum theory took shape, it morphed into a realm that seemed increasingly peculiar. The Schrödinger equation suggested that particles could behave like waves, and quantum entities could exist in superposition. Heisenberg introduced his uncertainty principle. But what did it all mean? ...

Azure Quantum Elements: Accelerating Science with a Glimpse of Quantum Future

Science thrives on pushing boundaries, venturing into the unknown to unlock new possibilities. Yet, some questions lie hidden beyond the reach of classical computers, their complexities shrouded in a quantum-mechanical mist. This is where Azure Quantum Elements, a revolutionary cloud platform f...

Explaining Quantum Degeneracy

In quantum mechanics, physical properties like energy only can live in discrete values. If quantities like these are discrete, they are significantly easier to count and understand because the math is much less complicated. For example, studying a system with energy levels labelled by E = ...

Doing Quantum Chemistry through Python

Quantum chemistry codes historically have tended to stand on their own either as open source or commercial codes. These programs each had unique input files and were designed to run from command line calls or batch job submissions. More recently, a number of codes have become available as python pac...

Quantum Dance: Journey into the World of Fermions and Bosons

Our first dance partners are fermions! They are the building blocks of the subatomic world. Yes, the concept may seem complex at first, but after a brief exploration, you’ll grasp it. Fermions are particles that orbit around the atomic nucleus. Electrons, protons, and neutrons are VIP members ...

Space and time may be two dimensional at the quantum scale

Most people know we don’t have a working theory of quantum gravity, but it is often hard to explain why. The simplest explanation is that we don’t know how gravity behaves at the smallest scales, and, since quantum physics deals with those scales, we can’t construct such a theory. ...

3 Books For Non-Physicists Who Want To Understand Quantum Physics

You must have wondered about the origin of the universe. Or maybe you questioned about your existence in the world and its underlying mysteries. Maybe you’re more into philosophies and science, and you’ve heard terms like quantum entanglement, observer effect, and the role of consc...

Quantum Mechanics Is Probably Wrong.

One of the central claims of quantum theory is that there’s a minimum amount of action that we can have in physical systems. Objects within physical systems do not move in smooth continua, but in discrete steps. Each of these steps may have a minimum length, minimum amount of du...

Quantum Horizons: Exploring the Frontiers of Modern Physics

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern physics, a captivating journey unfolds as scientists venture into the mysterious realm of quantum horizons. This article delves into the cutting-edge developments shaping our understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe. At the heart of mod...

Top 15 Mind-Blowing Facts about Physics

When it comes to the quantum world, things can get pretty weird. Quantum physics has a lot of amazing facts that could make this list: particles like electrons behave as waves both when we’re not looking at them and when we are, called duality by physicists. This property is due to the fact th...

Why Quantum Computers Are Going to Change The World

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, quantum computers are destined to provide a new unprecedented level of computing power, challenging the limitations of classical computers. They are also promising revolutionary advancements across various scientific fields. The unique principles of q...

Title: Exploring the Quantum Frontier: Unraveling the Mysteries of Quantum Physics.

Quantum Basics: At the heart of quantum physics lies the wave-particle duality, where particles such as electrons exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. The famous double-slit experiment demonstrates the inherent uncertainty in predicting the path of a quantum particle. This uncertain...

AI Optimized 100,000 Quantum Physics Equations and Simplified Into Just Four Equation

The program required a lot of computational power to understand the complexity of the Hubbard model. It ran for weeks, but its final output summarized the Hubbard model in just four equations. “It’s essentially a machine that has the power to discover hidden patterns,” Di Sante ...

Love and Quantum Entanglement: A New Perspective on Universal Connection

What is love? Ah, the age-old question that has perplexed philosophers, poets, psychologists, and even ’90s Eurodance singer Haddaway. While his catchy refrain of “What is love? Baby, don’t hurt me” may have ruled the dance floors, it hardly scratches the surface of the scien...

10 quantum myths that need to be busted

For centuries, the laws of physics seemed completely deterministic. If you knew where every particle was, how fast it was moving, and what the forces were between them at any one instant, you could know exactly where they’d be and what they’d be doing at any point in the future. From New...

Quantum particles may be exchanging secret messages

Imagine that Alice is piloting a space ship light years away from Earth. Bob steers his space ship in the opposite direction, also light years away. Back on Earth, scientists prepare in a lab two particles from a single reaction, such as the decay of a pion. These particles are sent out into spac...

Quantum Field Theory: Dynamics of Quantum Systems

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) stands as one of the cornerstones of modern theoretical physics, providing a powerful framework for describing the dynamics of quantum systems at both the microscopic and cosmic scales. Developed to reconcile quantum mechanics with special relativity, QFT extends the princ...

LIGO successfully squeezes quantum states, surpassing Heisenberg’s limits

In the quest to detect gravitational waves, there are a number of obstacles that — no matter how hard we try — continue to stand in our way. Since 2015, with the advent of first the advanced LIGO detectors and then later, the Virgo detector, humanity has directly detected gravitatio...

How to think about quantum entanglement

I have two friends, Alice and Bob. Soon they will be your friends. Since I’m a nice guy, I’m going to give each of them a gift. It’s nothing special — just a box with a couple of buttons and lights on it. The box I gave to Alice. When the left button is pressed, the...

Modeling Quantum Tunneling With Python

Everybody loves quantum tunneling. It’s just cool. It would be like having a ball rolling towards a hill. Imagine that ball doesn’t have enough kinetic energy to make it over the hill and down to the other side. However, when you look for the ball — sometimes you can find it on the...

How quantum uncertainty saved the atom

The 19th and early 20th centuries were both the best of times and the worst of times for the building block of all the matter on Earth: the atom. In 1803, John Dalton put forth what we now know as modern atomic theory: the postulate that everything is made of indivisible atoms, where every...

Witnessing quantum entanglement at the macroscale

Conventional wisdom would say no — quantum mechanics washes out in large objects, and we macroscopic beings in the macroscopic world are not privy to the incredible quantum phenomena underpinning everything around us. However, like a lot of conventional wisdom, this is not entirely true. Quant...

Quantum Dots Explained (2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry)

You can think of quantum dots as artificial atoms that can be made in a lab! They have some of the same properties as atoms, such as having discrete energy levels (meaning they can only exist in certain distinct energy states, and they cannot have energy values between these specific ...

Calculate Quantum Euclidean Distance with Qiskit

Calculating distance is a crucial operation in many fields. We define Euclidean distance, specifically, as the length of a line segment between two points in Euclidean space, where Euclidean space is the most fundamental way we represent space in geometry. Many of us have used it at least once ...

Beyond Euclidean Geometry: NSphere and its Implications in Quantum Physics

Introduction Euclidean geometry has been the foundation of our understanding of space for centuries. However, as our knowledge of the universe has expanded, it has become evident that Euclidean geometry is not sufficient to describe certain phenomena, particularly in the realm of quantum physics....