70 year old quantum prediction comes true, as something is created from nothing

<p>Whoever said, &ldquo;you can&rsquo;t get something from nothing&rdquo; must never have learned quantum physics. As long as you have empty space &mdash; the ultimate in physical nothingness &mdash; simply manipulating it in the right way will inevitably cause something to emerge. Collide two particles in the abyss of empty space, and sometimes additional particle-antiparticle pairs emerge. Take a meson and try to rip the quark away from the antiquark, and a new set of particle-antiparticle pairs will get pulled out of the empty space between them. And in theory, a strong enough electromagnetic field can rip particles and antiparticles out of the vacuum itself, even without any initial particles or antiparticles at all.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/70-year-old-quantum-prediction-comes-true-as-something-is-created-from-nothing-d80e95f3cdf2"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>