Space and time may be two dimensional at the quantum scale

<p>Most people know we don&rsquo;t have a working theory of quantum gravity, but it is often hard to explain why. The simplest explanation is that we don&rsquo;t know how gravity behaves at the smallest scales, and, since quantum physics deals with those scales, we can&rsquo;t construct such a theory. The scales at which gravity would become important in, say, particle accelerators is so small, and, thus, requires so much energy to probe (because size and energy are inversely proportional in physics) that we have no hope of approaching it with present technology.</p> <p>The best descriptions of quantum theory and gravity: the standard model of quantum field theory and general relativity are incompatible mathematically.&nbsp;General relativity in four dimensions blows up as you go to smaller scales. It doesn&rsquo;t make any sense. At the tiniest scales you just get nothing but black holes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Quantum scale