Quantum for Dummies (part 30)

<p>As the quantum theory took shape, it morphed into a realm that seemed increasingly peculiar. The Schr&ouml;dinger equation suggested that particles could behave like waves, and quantum entities could exist in superposition. Heisenberg introduced his uncertainty principle. But what did it all mean?</p> <p>With the support of scientists like Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, based in Copenhagen, presented a thought-provoking analysis known as the Copenhagen interpretation. This perspective shattered the notion that science always provides clear-cut answers. Instead, Bohr argued that quantum theory poses unanswerable questions, and one experiment might not align with another. In essence, what we can know about the world is limited to what we can measure.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@coorevitshenri/quantum-for-dummies-part-30-3f6580501cd6"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>