Tag: Positive

Positive Mind, Positive Life

We’ve all heard the saying, “Mindset is everything,” but have you ever truly considered the profound impact your perspective can have on your life? The way you look at the world is how it appears. Your thoughts and beliefs shape your reality, influencing not only your experiences b...

What are the positive effects of technology on beauty?

If I were to ask for your opinion about the integration of beauty and technology, your response would most likely be negative. For starters, having witnessed the damaging impacts of social media on our self-esteem, it’s become increasingly difficult not to associate platforms like Inst...

How to Turn Emotion Into Positive Change

Anger, a universal human emotion, can either be a force for constructive change or a destructive wildfire that scorches everything in its path. In this article, we’ll delve into a set of techniques that provide a nuanced and powerful approach to managing anger. By mastering these methods, you ...

No One Is Perfect!

Unfortunately, many people suffer from perfectionism which is the desire to appear and be perfect. Perfectionism can be dangerous because it can lead to impossibly high standards and excessive self-criticism. It can also cause you to become overly critical of others as well. The bottom line is th...

Kagame surely has at least one positive statistic. Be positive for once. Find it and share it.

Letter from Rwanda. Murunganwa aka Himbara, we follow your writings and appreciate your use of numbers to back up what you write. We find, however, that you always look for negative things. Be positive for once and find something favourable to say about our President His Excellency Paul Kagame an...

Do You Often Compare Yourself to Others? Here’s How to Transform This Into a Positive Habit

I’ve reached a point in life where it seems like everything is urging me to rush. When we feel like we’re falling behind, our progress seems slow, and our goals keep getting delayed year after year, it’s tough not to compare ourselves to others. Moreover, the presence of so...

Do You Often Compare Yourself to Others? Here’s How to Transform This Into a Positive Habit

I’ve reached a point in life where it seems like everything is urging me to rush. When we feel like we’re falling behind, our progress seems slow, and our goals keep getting delayed year after year, it’s tough not to compare ourselves to others. Moreover, the presence of so...

How to Foster a Positive Company Culture in the Age of Social Media Reviews

Meet John. John is hunting for a brand new job. When he finds a job description that seems like the perfect fit for him, he decides to do some digging about what the company is really like. The first places John looks at are Facebook and Glassdoor. And, as excited as he is about everything the po...

Influencing via Positive Leadership

There’s more to being a leader than merely giving commands. Leadership is about influencing people's attitudes and behaviors through positive choices. By exhibiting your respect for your team’s opinions, sentiments, and skills, they feel empowered and are more inclined to accept your...

WORDS THAT CREATE WALLS — 5 Things to Know About Negative & Positive Words

Are you aware of how many negative words you use each day as you communicate? You might be surprised. You might be even more surprised at how your use of negative and positive words impacts your ability to influence others and make good impressions that lead to promotions and greater influence. As y...

Why Managers Need To Be Positive

Debating whether you should keep an upbeat attitude for your team? What effect could it really have? Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash Have you ever had a manager that would complain about their boss or some external factors and being unable to change anything? Not only is ...

Architecture of AI-Driven Security Operations with a Low False Positive Rate

Even today, in a world where LLMs compromise the integrity of the educational system we used for decades, and we (finally) started to fear an existential dread from AGI, the applicability of artificial intelligence (AI) systems to non-conventional data science domains i...

Architecture of AI-Driven Security Operations with a Low False Positive Rate

Even today, in a world where LLMs compromise the integrity of the educational system we used for decades, and we (finally) started to fear an existential dread from AGI, the applicability of artificial intelligence (AI) systems to non-conventional data science domains i...


AI is revolutionising the real estate industry by driving positive change through its significant role in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations. The industry has recognised the importance of ESG practices, and AI is transforming how sustainability is assessed, managed, and impro...

How to Make Women Feel Safe

A key element of making women feel safe is to encourage positive relationships. This includes providing support to those in abusive relationships, helping women find positive role models, and providing education on healthy relationships. It is also important to challenge negative stereotypes that ca...

Here’s a Stone for Some Positive Energy

Do you have a little good luck charm you keep in your pocket? Maybe you have something on your nightstand that you claim wards off negative energy. I have a few things that are good luck charms to me and some of them even repel negative energy or so I like to think. I’m talking about sto...

Please Pray That We Make It Through Today

Today’s the big day and I’m not so sure that I have the strength to get through it. If you’re the praying kind, please send prayers up for my granddaughter and I. Good vibes, positive, healing energy… whatever you’ve got, I’ll take it. I know that I won&rsq...

Humanizing the Criminal Class: A Path to Positive Change

In modern society, the ‘criminal class,’ that is, those with criminal records and the previously incarcerated, are often regarded as the lowest class. Cast aside, dehumanized, and stricken from basic human rights. Such an outlook has deep historical roots, reflecting a long-standing p...

Nature-Positive Urban Development: Leveraging Green Solutions for Sustainable and Resilient Cities

Nature-based solutions, such as green roofs, community gardens, renaturalized brownfields, and urban agriculture, offer a cost-effective and sustainable approach to urban development. These solutions leverage ecosystem services to counter climate risks, contribute to global climate goals, and protec...

Stop Preaching ‘Positive Thinking’ for Clinical Depression

Introduction: Arguing About Clinical Depression Treatment with an Ignorant Yoga Practitioner Let me preface this whole thing by admitting I have a temper problem. For three-sixty-four days of the year, I am excessively polite. Retaliation is not my instinct. I was raised by a woman who went to...

Why Do Some People Lack Positive Emotions?

Human emotions are complex and influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Here are some potential reasons: Biological factors: Some people may have a predisposition to certain emotional patterns due to genetics or brain chemistry. Conditions such ...

To See the Universe in a Single Flower — A Positive View Of Aging

It’s heartening to finally have someone with a Ph.D. after his name, confirming my anecdotal experience about aging and spirituality. The late Dr. Tornstam found that about 20 percent of people (more women than men) over 65 attain a kind of cosmic transcendence in which ...

False Positive Risk in A/B Testing

Have you heard how there is a much greater probability than generally expected that a statistically significant test outcome is in fact a false positive? In industry jargon: that a variant has been identified as a “winner” when it is not. In demonstrating the above the terms&nb...

What? I’m positive for Fentanyl?

Gallus clients’ stories usually start the same way, “I started using pain killers after an injury” — insert traumatic event. Before they knew it, their doctor stopped prescribing to them. After this, the stories go many different directions but end similarly, “then I wa...

Dear body positive influencers: you’re not fooling anyone.

I want to state this is not an article against the body positivity movement. The body positivity movement has done many great things and has helped people to feel better about their bodies. We’re lucky that this generation’s attitudes towards body image are changing. I for one no longer ...