Stop Preaching ‘Positive Thinking’ for Clinical Depression

<h2>Introduction: Arguing About Clinical Depression Treatment with an Ignorant Yoga Practitioner</h2> <p>Let me preface this whole thing by admitting I have a temper problem.</p> <p>For three-sixty-four days of the year, I am excessively polite. Retaliation is not my instinct. I was raised by a woman who went to missionary school. I was taught to be respectful. And I try my utmost to uphold those values.</p> <p>Earlier this evening, I failed.</p> <p>I am not keeping count, but I feel before this incident it had been over a year since I had lost my temper. Those instances have thankfully become rare. &lsquo;Thankfully&rsquo;, because when I&nbsp;<em>do</em>&nbsp;get enraged, my values go down the drain. I become brash and rude.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>