Tag: Plastic

Tan zi xi’s ‘Plastic Ocean’

Tan zi xi is a Singaporean artist whose installation ‘Plastic Ocean’ is exhibited at Sassoon Dock Art Project as a part of St+art Mumbai Urban Art Festival, 2017. Speaking about her experience at Sassoon Dock Art Project, Tan zi xi says, “Since the completion of ‘Plasti...

Starfield Has Great Plastic Door Flaps

I love a good plastic door flap. When I was a kid, the local grocery store used these big hanging curtains of plastic to separate the front area of the store from the back where the bottle return and the bathrooms were. Walking through those swinging weird rectangles was always strangely satisfying....

Plastic Overdose: The Addictive Spiral of Disposable Living

My mom’s an addict. But we as a family hid it for years. Until I left for college, and my little sister was left dealing with a person who couldn’t control herself. So I had to step in — hospital, group sessions, and therapy. But fixing this mess didn’t start with a big plan ...

The Plastic Paradox: When Convenience Fuels Climate Chaos

The keyboard, the mouse, the screen. The chair, the table, the lamp. Plastic, plastic, plastic. Everywhere I see, everything I touch: plastic. Appliances, fabrics, packaging. Automobiles, construction, and medical equipment. Plastics are the building blocks of the modern world, at a cost of ...

Why plastic-eating microbes are not the solution

Recently, Japanese scientists have discovered an enzyme (PETase), isolated from the bacterium Ideonella sakaiensis that can degrade polyethylene terephthalate PET in only a few weeks, exibiting the rare ability to use PET as the major carbon and energy source to grow. PET is a major form o...

How Plastic Pollution is Killing Our Planet and What We Can Do to Save It.

Although convenient, plastic has become a global concern setting off all kinds of alarms. I had yet to learn how big this had become or how far it had reached socially, environmentally, or corporately. My plight on the subject began with an Art Project for Seabirds and a focus on Plastic pollution. ...

Can mushrooms replace plastic packaging?

When you order a package online, it usually arrives on your doorstep within a few days. Then you bring it inside and rip out blocks of Styrofoam along with a layer of bubble wrap to reveal your latest impulse buy. The new lamp or whatever it is you bought will stay with you for a few months, but the...

4 Everyday, Plastic-Free Products You May Not Know About (But Should)

It’s impossible to avoid using plastic these days. In June 2023, a Los Angeles Times environmental reporter accepted an assignment to track how much plastic she used in one week. The experience, in her words, was “soul-crushing.” Even as a responsible, knowledgable consum...


Everything is made up of different components. For example, the human body is made of proteins, cells, etc. Basic things like water (Hydrogen and Oxygen), air (nitrogen and oxygen), or random things like basketballs (leather and rubber) are made of different materials that give specific things certa...

The problem with plastic pill bottles

Made from paperboard that has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, the Phill Box®’s innovative design meets key safety standards for protection from water and humidity, while significantly reducing plastic waste. It’s been designed with a three-step lock that is undergoi...