Can mushrooms replace plastic packaging?

<p>When you order a package online, it usually arrives on your doorstep within a few days. Then you bring it inside and rip out blocks of Styrofoam along with a layer of bubble wrap to reveal your latest impulse buy. The new lamp or whatever it is you bought will stay with you for a few months, but the packaging is thrown away the second it touches the light. Only, its time on earth isn&rsquo;t as brief as its time in your home. Styrofoam and other forms of plastic packaging take over 500 years (twice the age of the United States) to break down in the environment. Meanwhile, it ends up in the stomachs of sea turtles, seagulls, and even you &mdash; in the form of microplastics.</p> <p>So, why do we continue to use Styrofoam, bubble wrap, and other unsustainable packaging products? Well, it&rsquo;s because they&rsquo;re cheap and convenient. Plus finding a viable replacement is not an easy task. However, there are some potential nature-based solutions out there that give me hope.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>