How Plastic Pollution is Killing Our Planet and What We Can Do to Save It.

<p>Although convenient, plastic has become a global concern setting off all kinds of alarms. I had yet to learn how big this had become or how far it had reached socially, environmentally, or corporately. My plight on the subject began with an Art Project for Seabirds and a focus on Plastic pollution. Researching the origins of Plastic pollution concerning the project led me to learn about the&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Great Pacific Garbage Patch.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;My continued research highlighted its effects on our Wildlife, Ecosystems, and health.</p> <p>The magnitude Plastic Pollution has had on our Global Environment became increasingly evident the more I looked, which led to learning of a Global Plastic Pollution Treaty. Recycling has become an increasingly important part of our Environment; however, many people are unaware that 99% of the plastic comes from Fossil Fuels. Plastic is formed from organic polymers &mdash; giant molecules that link long chains of smaller molecules. We are now seeing the effects of this Plastic pollution on our health and Environment because it enters our water, food, air, soil, and even our bodies.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>