Tag: Pipeline

Crafting a CI Pipeline: My Experience with GitHub Actions, Python & AWS

Integrating code consistently and ensuring it meets best practices is challenging but essential. Today, I aim to share a reliable GitHub Actions setup that I’ve tailored specifically for Python Serverless projects on AWS. Additionally, I’ll introduce a Makefile I’ve designed to str...

Gotchas of Streaming Pipelines: Profiling & Performance Improvements

Every streaming pipeline is unique. When reviewing a pipeline’s performance, we ask the following questions: “Is there a bottleneck?”, “Is the pipeline performing optimally?”, “Will it continue to scale with increased load?” Regularly asking these questions...

Building an End-to-End Machine Learning Pipeline

You know, anyone can build a machine learning model these days. We’ve seen them springing up like mushrooms after the rain — predicting everything from stock prices to the next hit song on the radio. But today, we’re diving into something different, something that’s like the ...

A Dialogue Pipeline

When I start at a studio, I almost always find myself building or rebuilding a pipeline for game dialogue. I wanted to write down here some things I’ve learned about that, my reasoning behind it, and where it bridges the gap between other pieces of gamedev. I hope there’s somethi...

DevSecOps SDLC Pipeline.

Tools and Technologies: Jenkins: Jenkins serves as the CI/CD orchestration tool, automating the build and deployment processes. It integrates with various security tools to enforce security checks at every stage of the pipeline. SonarQube: SonarQube is used for code quality and security scan...

Data Engineering Project: Twitter Airflow Data Pipeline

Well, nowadays social media is abuzz with the legendary fight between Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg and X’s owner Elon Musk. It has even escalated to the point of a cage fight between the two tech giants. Well we all know how that could turn out. Musk Vs Zuckerberg Cage Fight We...

The perfect data pipeline doesn’t exist: Databricks

This is a multi-part article series where I dive into the ideal stack you’d use for a data engineering pipeline given constraints around what software providers to use. I aim to provide some indications of cost, ease of use, and functional limitations / cool features. Original article:&nbsp...

Pipeline Dreams: Automating ML Training on AWS

In the world of machine learning, automated training pipelines streamline the journey from data to insight. They automate various parts of the machine learning life cycle such as data ingestion, preprocessing, model training, evaluation and deployment. Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) provide...

Creating a Jenkins Pipeline for Building and Deploying Docker Images and Run Container

Welcome! In this guide, will walk you through the process of deploying an application using a Jenkins pipeline in an independent setup. Whether you’re new to Jenkins or looking to set up a fresh deployment pipeline, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!” Introduction ...

AWS Cross-account Infrastructure Deployment Pipeline with Terraform

Making a decision on which CI/CD tool to use will depend on your needs & project requirements as there are a number of CI/CD tools such as Gitlab, GitHub, Travis, TeamCity, Jenkins, and a lot more. If you want to take advantage of the integrations across services in the AWS ecosystem, don't ...

Building AWS Infrastructure with a GitLab CICD Pipeline and Terraform

If you’re reading this article you’ve probably heard of the many benefits of using Infrastructure as Code. Using IaC allows us to develop our infrastructure faster, cheaper, and more consistently. What’s not to love about that? It gets even better though! With cultural shifts li...

Thousands of Homes Seem Stuck in SF’s ‘Pipeline,’ So Let’s Take a Deep Dive

How many homes is San Francisco actually building right now? This question is more important than ever; the city is deep in a housing crisis. Even with a few years of pandemic-related rent deflation, SF maintains one of the highest costs of living in the U.S., with housing as public enemy number ...

Incarcerating Illiteracy — The Prison Pipeline of Dyslexia

In America, an estimated 50% of the prison population is dyslexic. It’s an illiteracy incarceration crisis that has been going on for generations, as we turn dyslexic children into juvenile delinquents, and then into inmates. A prison pipeline for the learning disabled; a criminalization of il...

How I Built a Bioinformatics Pipeline: [A BASh-Based Variant Calling and Annotation Pipeline]

In science and life, humans (and maybe other creatures) always find a way to simplify certain activities in their lives. We often do this to reduce repetitive tasks and the risk of monotonous and boring work. Pipelines have a similar function. A bioinformatics pipeline is a collection of commands...