Thousands of Homes Seem Stuck in SF’s ‘Pipeline,’ So Let’s Take a Deep Dive

<p>How many homes is San Francisco actually building right now?</p> <p>This question is more important than ever; the city is deep in a housing crisis. Even with a few years of pandemic-related rent deflation, SF maintains one of the highest costs of living in the U.S., with housing as public enemy number one.</p> <p>Even worse, production of homes went into a tailspin in 2022. Under threat from the state, City Hall just passed a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">long-term plan for tens of thousands of new homes</a>&nbsp;here, but it&rsquo;s just a blueprint. Without new rules to loosen long-standing building restrictions and unstick coagulated bureaucracies, actual roofs won&rsquo;t materialize over San Franciscan heads, and the so-called housing pipeline will remain as clogged as ever.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pipeline Stuck