A Dialogue Pipeline
<p>When I start at a studio, I almost always find myself building or rebuilding a pipeline for <strong>game dialogue</strong>.</p>
<p>I wanted to write down here some things I’ve learned about that, my reasoning behind it, and where it bridges the gap between other pieces of gamedev. I hope there’s something here you’ll find useful.</p>
<p><strong><em>T</em></strong><em>his is a bit of a brain dump and there’s a lot here. Forgive me if I’ve made too many assumptions!</em></p>
<h1>Let’s Talk</h1>
<p>So what do I mean by dialogue here?</p>
<p><strong>Characters talking. To each other, or to the player.</strong></p>
<p>In (many) games, this dialogue is presented to the user in two ways at the same time:</p>
<li><strong>As text, on your screen</strong>. For example, as subtitles, each line of text normally attributed to a particular character.</li>
<li><strong>As audio, played through your speakers</strong>. These lines are normally linked to a “source” object in your gameplay space, such as a 3D character.</li>
<p>Some games only have text. And that’s fine. There are probably some things that I’m going to say which are still useful to you.</p>
<p>Some games only have audio, and frankly if you can’t provide subtitles you should know better. :-)</p>
<p>So what I’m going to discuss here is this combination — <strong>text and audio</strong>, both representing the same spoken line of dialogue.</p>
<p><a href="https://wildwinter.medium.com/a-dialogue-pipeline-db0be8d8509c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>