Incarcerating Illiteracy — The Prison Pipeline of Dyslexia

<p>In America, an estimated 50% of the prison population is dyslexic. It&rsquo;s an illiteracy incarceration crisis that has been going on for generations, as we turn dyslexic children into juvenile delinquents, and then into inmates. A prison pipeline for the learning disabled; a criminalization of illiteracy.</p> <p>When I met my ex for the first time, I was 14 and he was almost 20. Shawn was the older brother of my childhood bestie. He was a cute, older &lsquo;bad boy&rsquo; who I only saw occasionally because he&rsquo;d been kicked out at 17 for behavioral problems.</p> <p>I didn&rsquo;t know it at the time, but he was also dyslexic and functionally illiterate.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>