Building AWS Infrastructure with a GitLab CICD Pipeline and Terraform

<p>If you&rsquo;re reading this article you&rsquo;ve probably heard of the many benefits of using Infrastructure as Code. Using IaC allows us to develop our infrastructure faster, cheaper, and more consistently. What&rsquo;s not to love about that?</p> <p>It gets even better though! With cultural shifts like GitOps and DevOps, we can sweep the days of &ldquo;ClickOps&rdquo; aside. With these revolutionary practices we are able to not only avoid making changes in the console but establish a workflow that promotes increased operational efficiency.</p> <p>In this tutorial I will be walking you through creating a GitLab CICD pipeline and using Terraform as our IaC tool.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: CICD Pipeline