Tag: Phone

How To Create a Happy Life Outside Your Phone

I got my first smartphone when I was 13. I remember the feeling of happiness that I had because I did not have to say goodbye to any of my friends and leave my parent’s computer. I was finally going to be online all the time. From that moment, I never stopped using my phone. I took it...

How to get the Bluetooth Host Controller Interface logs from a modern Android phone

Most of the guidance floating around the internet for extracting the Bluetooth HCI logs from Android is grossly out of date. Here is how I managed to achieve it with a Samsung Galaxy S10 running Android version 10. Things that don’t work on this version of android, for this phone at least, ...

Losing My Phone Brought Me Peace

It’s the three essential items I double check I have every time I leave the house. We all do. Adam Sandler even wrote a song about it. It’s all one really needs to survive the day. For me however, there’s also a slew of other random items I pack with my bag befor...

Losing My Phone Brought Me Peace

Phone, wallet, keys. It’s the three essential items I double check I have every time I leave the house. We all do. Adam Sandler even wrote a song about it. It’s all one really needs to survive the day. For me however, there’s also a slew of other random items ...

How to send an alarm to someone’s phone to wake them up?

One reminder app for all your needs Galarm is a reminder app with alarm that gives you the power to set reminders for your partner or roommates for tasks like pick up the groceries, walk the dog or take medicine. Some of the features that makes this app really interesting are: Send ala...

All You Need Is… One Lens + a Phone Camera

Let’s get right to it. Here’s the snapshot of what lenses I keep in my camera bag, ordered by focal length: 300+ mm — Ideal for nature. 85mm — Ideal for portraits. 35mm — Ideal for street. *12–24mm — Ideal for landscape. *Software assisted p...

Phone Apps I Think Everyone Should Use…

I’ve gone through so many apps for this, that at least 80% of them are not going to be included in this list, considering that most of them are obscure. The apps I’m going to show you here are highly curated, filtered and quality ones which are not giving me any money to say about them. ...

Microsoft | CEO Admits Discontinuing Windows Phone was a Mistake

Nadella’s admission is the latest in a series of regrets from Microsoft executives about the company’s failure in the mobile market. In 2013, former CEO Steve Ballmer said that it was a “missed opportunity” for Microsoft, and in 2019, co-founder Bill Gates called it his &ldqu...

Need help? Phone a friend or a chatbot.

As someone interested in mental health and its various approaches across the globe, it caught my attention. The performance pinpoints boiling social issues, particularly experienced in Berlin: isolation, mental health challenges, Artificial Intelligence (AI) its promises of a better future. Just...

Put Your Phone Down and Talk to Someone

I was packing up at the end of a trade show at Hanscom AFB and this man came up and asked if he could have a pen. I said of course. He took one. Just one. I said to him “you can have them all if you like we have so many.” He was surprised but happy and took them, there were about a do...

10 Best Wholesale Suppliers of Phone Accessories

The demand for phone accessories continues to increase as the mobile phone industry grows. Numerous phone accessories are available on the market, from cases and screen protectors to chargers and earphones. The ability to find a reliable wholesale supplier can make all the difference for retailers l...

Being a Happy and Cheerful Internet Autistic Person Without the Internet on Your Phone In London

I still can remember when I went on a holiday, I just completely deleted Facebook, Instagram, and even Line ( this is like the What’s app in my county) on my phone for a week. And told my colleagues, that I wouldn’t be able to receive the message, and only if there was an emergency, they...

We ran a Phone Check at a YCombinator event in San Francisco. Here’s How it Went.

YCombinator keeps telling us to “do things that don’t scale,” and since we are building software that helps people spend less time on their phones, we decided to do the least scalable thing possible: take everyone’s phone from them during happy hour. Of...

What Retirement Has Taught Me

I press ‘end call,’ set my phone down, and stare at it in disbelief. My heart is thumping, and with it, a spot at the base of my skull is keeping time. Removing my glasses, I rub my eyes and then roll my head gently from side to side to alleviate the tension that’s building. Onc...

How to install OpenPilot on an OP3T or LeEco Le Pro3 phone

Important! I am as cheap as anybody else and hate spending money but even I still bought an EON Gold from Comma for my “self driving” Accord. This homebrew device is for DATA COLLECTION only and does NOT do any actual driving. Note that I’ve also ordered: Grey Panda, Whit...

Lizzo, pick up the clue phone. It’s for you?

We’ve seen it all played out before: The white supremacists find an unconscious Black brother or sister who has been thoroughly beguiled by the degenerate behaviours prevalent in the majority white society, and who is willing to be used as a tool of the white supremacists to spread confusion a...

How To Overcome Phone-Scrolling Addiction

Every major social media application, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, is designed to foster addiction. You can easily test this by checking your app usage in the settings menu of your Android or iOS device. Simply add up the total usage time for each social app. What’s the result? In ...

Here’s Why Your Phone Addiction Is More Harmful Than You Think

Walking around my university campus, it’s clear how addicted people are to their phones. Many have no sense of their surroundings because their faces are glued to their screens or the music from their headphones traps their ears. Socializing and making friends is harder than ever because every...

Don’t Put Your Work Email on Your Personal Phone

Many of us have given up on the idea of carrying around a dedicated work phone. After all, why bother when you can get everything you need on your personal smartphone? Here’s one reason: Your work account might be spying on you in the background. When you add a work email address to your...