How To Overcome Phone-Scrolling Addiction

<p>Every major social media application, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, is designed to foster addiction. You can easily test this by checking your app usage in the settings menu of your Android or iOS device. Simply add up the total usage time for each social app. What&rsquo;s the result? In my honest opinion, if it exceeds 2 hours, you may consider yourself addicted. But have you ever paused to wonder why these social apps are so insistent on being used? The answer lies primarily in advertisements (how the app generates revenue) and data collection.&nbsp;<strong><em>Social media apps know you better than your own parents do.</em></strong>&nbsp;Every like, comment, and share you make serves the purpose of targeting ads specifically tailored to you.&nbsp;<strong><em>These apps have access to your past, present, and future.</em></strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>