Don’t Put Your Work Email on Your Personal Phone

<p>Many of us have given up on the idea of carrying around a dedicated work phone. After all, why bother when you can get everything you need on your personal smartphone?</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s one reason: Your work account might be spying on you in the background.</p> <p>When you add a work email address to your phone, you&rsquo;ll likely be asked to install something called a Mobile Device Management (MDM) profile. Chances are, you&rsquo;ll blindly accept it. (What other choice do you have?) MDM is set up by your company&rsquo;s IT department to reach inside your phone in the background, allowing them to ensure your device is secure, know where it is, and remotely erase your data if the phone is stolen.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: personal Phone