Tag: Philosophy

Lindy Approach to Web Development: htmx and Go

In the fast-paced world of web development, amidst the craze of the latest frameworks, the best solutions often lie in simplicity. In a recent article, we touched on localization for dynamic web content with Go and htmx . In this article, we’ll explore the combination of htmx and Go ...

Embracing Mortality Positively Through Philosophy: A Path to Enlightenment

We live in a world where many of us are privileged but full of anxiety and feeling a loss for meaning. The post-Covid-19 world enhances our lives’ perplexing and stressful nature. We sometimes live in uncertainty, with a forward view that is the same as backward because we only know the former...

Become Undefeatable: The philosophy of Miyamoto Musashi

I have lately been reading a lot of self improvement and recently realised that this can become toxic too. I came across lots of people who protected their energy too much that they become robots. For them, this self improvement worked like a software update and then we forget their motives. Self im...

Their Philosophy Is a House of Cards So They Try to Ban the Wind

When the girl went missing, the local pastor wasn’t among those who searched to find her. That was left to Isak and me. But when she was found and the national media turned up at my daughter’s school to cover the tragedy, old Gabe was there like an ambulance chaser in sear...

How Philosophy Helped Me Understand Myself and Others Better

Have you ever wondered why people are so different from each other? Why do they have different moral judgments and values? Why do they have different habits and preferences? Why do they have different ways of enjoying life? I have always believed that people choose to be who they are and that eve...

Exploring the Philosophy of Death

A friend of mine gets upset and her face becomes red. “No, no, please don't talk about it! When it comes, it will come!” She is so unprepared for death. Our discussion ended there and the group talking about it felt uncomfortable. She is 83, and the others in the group are all ...

Taoism: The Philosophy That Changed My Life

You wake up, agitated when the alarm clock starts making that noise. You’re cranky because you’re late again. You might miss the bus, your boss will give you an earful, your grades might be falling all this while you’re scrolling social media and see people getting married...

Taoism: The Philosophy That Changed My Life

You wake up, agitated when the alarm clock starts making that noise. You’re cranky because you’re late again. You might miss the bus, your boss will give you an earful, your grades might be falling all this while you’re scrolling social media and see people getting married...

My leadership philosophy — Part 6: Moderation

[This article is part of a series in which I’m sharing key lessons I’ve learned about what drives or derails effective leadership, distilled during my 17 year career assessing and coaching executives. Previous articles included an introduction to the series, a focus on cha...

My leadership philosophy — Part 5: Situational and contextual leadership

[This article is part of a series in which I’m sharing key lessons I’ve learned about what drives or derails effective leadership, distilled during my 17 year career assessing and coaching executives. Previous articles included an introduction to the series, a focus on cha...

When the Linux single-purpose philosophy fails: NFS

There is a long-standing unchallenged axiom in the open-source world: the best applications are small and have a single purpose. If you want a tool to remove the background from a photo, you should have a small terminal program that receives a photo and outputs the photo without background. If you w...

Philosophy Group Accused of Fascist Influence Hopes to Grow in Canada

From 1957 until today, the esoteric new religious organization New Acropolis has operated on a global scale, at times labelled a “cult” and accused of running using neofascist and paramilitary structures. In September of 2022, I attended one of their workshops in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada....

Terri and Adam’s Philosophy, Food, and Art Tour (PhFArt)(May/June 2023)

My son Adam graduated from college in May 2023 after a tumultuous college experience. Because of Covid, the death of a friend, and changing schools halfway through, his world got very small. And since he was a philosophy major and loves Roman and Etruscan art and history, I took him to Amsterda...

Philosophy Group Accused of Fascist Influence Hopes to Grow in Canada

From 1957 until today, the esoteric new religious organization New Acropolis has operated on a global scale, at times labelled a “cult” and accused of running using neofascist and paramilitary structures. In September of 2022, I attended one of their workshops in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada....

My Financial Philosophy and Realizations

Introduction For the first 18–23 years of your life, you’re told exactly what to do. All free will is limited, especially before 18. You’re told where to go, what time to be there, under surveillance from your parents, forced to attend school everyday whether you like it or...

Buddhism. Religion or Philosophy?

Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy? There is no deity in Buddhism. The original Buddha doesn’t claim to be a descendant from any heaven. There is creation story in Buddhism. And Buddha has no punishment power over people that don’t follow his teaching. But let’s look into...

Buddhist Philosophy: Addressing the Nietzschean objection to Buddhism

Final essay for PHIL2800: Buddhist Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong. The Nietzschean objection to Buddhism is contingent on the worry that the Buddhist outlook is life denying — one that seeks to eliminate suffering by leading a detached, desireless and dispassionate life. Nietzsche,...

Avatar: The Last Airbender and Buddhist Philosophy

The popularity of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the young adult action show on Nickelodeon, seems to rest in its action packed plot, the war of the Fire Nation against the other nations and the wicked cool element “bending” powers of the characters. However, Avatar also actively incorporat...

The West Desperately Needs More Eastern Philosophy

I feel like being a spiritual or religious person is almost becoming taboo in my culture. People who are really into their religions tend to be seen as eccentric by your average, reasonable person. Religion can seem a little crazy to anyone who is rational, and I certainly understand why. But I t...

Bridging the Gap: Uniting Modern Science with Ancient Hindu Philosophy.

Both mathematics and astronomy, cornerstones of modern science, can be traced back to ancient Hindu thought. Indian mathematicians and astronomers have left an indelible mark on modern research with their groundbreaking innovations including zero, the decimal system, advanced trigonometry, and preci...

Hindu Philosophy: A Comprehensive Guide

Vedanta philosophy is one of the oldest and most influential branches of Hinduism. Rooted in the teachings found in Upanishads, which are part of an ancient Hindu scripture known as Vedas, it has been (and still remains) hugely influential over generations by delving deep into understanding reality ...

Islamic Philosophy| The Virtues of La ilaha illa Allah

As Muslims, we all know that The Arabic phrase lā ilāha illā allāh is one of the major pillars of the Muslim faith. The first pillar of Islam is the “Shahadah”, also spelled “The Shahada”. It comes from the Arabic word “الشَهَادة” which means “T...

According To Zen Philosophy, (Permanent) Awakening Only Involves 3 Steps

Zen is not supposed to be understood with words and ideas. It’s said to be an experience outside of scriptures and philosophy. But without a realized teacher in front of us to provide that non-conceptual nudging toward truth — how can we ever realize it? The books describing the pa...

Core Philosophy in Python

Python is a prevalent programming language designed to be easy to read and write. Python’s developer community adds value to the language by creating all types of modules and making them available to other programmers. Long-time Pythoneer Tim Peters succinctly channels the BDFL’s guid...

Navigating the Zen Highway: A Deep Dive into “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” Through the Lens of Stoic Philosophy

An odyssey into life’s challenging philosophical questions during an unforgettable summer motorcycle trip, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance transformed a generation and continues to inspire millions. One of the most influential books written in the past half-century, Robe...

Oriental Philosophy Explains What Sigmund Freud’s “Eros and Thanatos” Couldn’t

At end of his long and illustrious career, his book, Beyond The Pleasure Principle, propounded a new theory to describe the other side of human behaviour. It was an antithesis to his lifelong work to describe the “pull of life” as the single biggest human drive. Freud’s the...

The Philosophy of Abortion: Where does Abortion Stand Today for Humanity? Not just a Right, but Women’s Necessity.

When women are born, they are damned by their anatomy. The rights of women are neither natural nor synthetic, it is their will that defines it. That one feels to again vindicate it. I should continue that I hear when someone says that are not to be allowed of abortion, most would mutter that wome...

ecophilia — an emerging philosophy

I knew the essence of ecophilia was to create beauty by living in loving kinship with our home. Inspired by the biophilia hypothesis, as described and popularised by Edward O. Wilson, which suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life, what ...

Philosophy Illuminated: Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?

This is a debate that has been ongoing for eons of years through the lens of philosophers and scientists as well as amongst friendly gatherings. The scientific answer leans towards the egg where evolutionary biology suggests that species evolve through small, gradual changes, meaning that at some...

Physics and Philosophy: The First Cause in the Context of Quantum Physics

The relationship between Physics and Philosophy is intrinsic and complex, permeated by a constant dialogue that seeks to unravel the mysteries of nature and the universe. Throughout history, Physics has provided Philosophy with tools and concepts to understand reality, while Philosophy, in turn, has...

Are mathematics and philosophy interconnected?

Inour modern world, it might seem counterintuitive to explore the intricate relationship between mathematics, often associated with quantification and structure, and philosophy, often associated with theory and ethics. However, the truth is that these two disciplines are deeply intertwined, more so ...

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

Early last year, I started listening to the podcast History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps. Even though I completed a PhD in Philosophy, there are plenty of areas of the history of philosophy I haven’t covered. And while I’m not interested in everything, I’m interested in...

On the Ghosts of Western Philosophy

Many philosophers of different schools have critiqued society and attempted to offer us ways out, but they all seem like dead ends. At this point in time, it may be considered whether these ghosts of the past hold any answers, may they return from the underworld and offer us a path home, or will the...

The Philosophy of Technology: Tracing its Origins from Ancient Greece to the Modern Era

The philosophy of technology is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the nature of technology, its development, and its impact on human society and culture. This branch of philosophy has evolved significantly throughout history, with key thinkers and ideas shaping its development f...

The Philosophy of Christopher Nolan’s Inception: A Dream Within a Dream?

In our daily lives, the mediated reality permeates our existence, sparking concepts that invade our suggestible psychological systems. While we remain awake, our conceptions are subtly implanted and persuasively shaped by media systems that exert influence over our mental lives. Throughout our day-t...

The design philosophy behind essentials fear of god and its impact on streetwear

The design philosophy behind Essentials Fear of God is based on the idea of elevated basics. The brand’s clothing is simple, but it is made with high-quality materials and attention to detail. The clothing is designed to be versatile and timeless. It is not tied to any specific trend or season...

LLMs for philosophers (and philosophy for LLMs)

(Edit: as some people are reading this, I figured I’d share some of my academic work on the topic — this is about how to think of meaning when it comes to LLMs. The title is missing, it’s anonymous, and I put it through ChatGPT to help anonymous review but feel free to sh...