My Financial Philosophy and Realizations

<h2>Introduction</h2> <p><strong>For the first 18&ndash;23 years of your life, you&rsquo;re told exactly what to do.&nbsp;</strong>All free will is limited, especially before 18. You&rsquo;re told where to go, what time to be there, under surveillance from your parents, forced to attend school everyday whether you like it or not. These 18&ndash;23 years are the first quarter of a typical lifetime. Which means that the remaining&nbsp;<em>life-force&nbsp;</em>of a person is already conditioned to follow directions, give into things we don&rsquo;t want to do and attend schedules that we don&rsquo;t like, but we think we &ldquo;have&rdquo; to, because it&rsquo;s bred into us.</p> <p>From multiple accounts, and firsthand witness, being told what to do for so long makes you&nbsp;<strong>confused as you gain full independence.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>