Tag: Outside

How To Create a Happy Life Outside Your Phone

I got my first smartphone when I was 13. I remember the feeling of happiness that I had because I did not have to say goodbye to any of my friends and leave my parent’s computer. I was finally going to be online all the time. From that moment, I never stopped using my phone. I took it...

Life Outside the Normal Distribution

Humans like regularity. Our brains drive us to seek out that which is predictable. If we could have our way, then everything would fall into neat categories. Unfortunately, the universe does not work this way. Nature is chaotic and scattered. Scientists must constantly work with randomness and try t...

How To Create a Happy Life Outside Your Phone

I got my first smartphone when I was 13. I remember the feeling of happiness that I had because I did not have to say goodbye to any of my friends and leave my parent’s computer. I was finally going to be online all the time. From that moment, I never stopped using my phone. I took it...

Discovering the Netherlands Beyond Amsterdam: 5 Must-See Destinations Outside the Capital

Amsterdam is a city that is world-famous for its breathtaking canals, renowned museums and liberal attitudes. With its picturesque scenery, cultural offerings, and lively atmosphere, it has earned a place on many travel bucket lists, and rightfully so. It’s a city that has the potential to ful...

Growth happens outside of your comfort zone

The truth of social sabbatical is having 4 weeks of fun with people? Being honest: being in such a close constellation always means you will see your struggles you are working on your whole live. In Social Sabbatcial after the pandemic it feels more than intense being with a small group of new peopl...

Don’t Be Scared — Switch off & Come Outside

I travel all around the UK working so I am not scared to go outside, however I don’t often switch off and stand away from my devices for more than a few hours. Or, delegate Medium to small, and me to important. But that is exactly what I did last weekend, and now the world makes more...

A French in America

Every time I met someone in New York who told me that they had visited Paris, one recurring theme kept coming up: Paris is beautiful but the people are not very nice. I would then ask what transpired for them to reach this unflattering conclusion about Parisians. Many times, they would say: &ldqu...

Inside His Mind, Outside His Heart

In Prague. I knew when I saw the call for participants that this was right for me. A city I had always wanted to visit, immersed in an activity that I wanted to get serious about. I had admired Kafka for decades, ever since reading “The Metamorphosis” as a college sophomore. The absur...

Time to Think Outside the Box

Ifyou popped into the Northern beaches of Sydney over the weekend you might be forgiven for thinking you were in the wrong city. It’s supposed to be the coldest time of year but people are already in their bikinis and swimming in the ocean like as they would in the middle of summer. The Gua...

What to do with that street kitten you hear meowing outside

STEP ONE. I can’t stress the importance of this step enough — wait a day or two to see if the mama comes around. Giving a cold starving street cat a home is a wonderful act of kindness, but taking a sweet kitten from its mama isn’t!! That kitten might be just fine on the street. In...

1000 Hours Outside

Last year, I read about a challenge to spend 1000 hours outside within a year. I spend plenty of time outside, but I wasn’t sure if I’d effortlessly climb to 1000 hours. I decided to give the challenge a try. I downloaded an app where I recorded my minutes. Any time I spent more than fiv...

Thinking Outside the Gap:

“True racial equity is only possible by closing the racial disparity gaps caused by systems and structure of oppression.” You’ve likely heard this before. It is an argument: structures of oppression (e.g., racism) cause disparities in life outcomes. It is an action: to dismant...

Thunderstorm Raging Outside — and My Pets Don’t Move a Whisker

My cat, Frostie, is probably the world’s only overweight Siamese. It’s not his fault. He doesn’t eat much and he gets anti-allergenic food. But okay… He’s a tad bit lazy. But whenever there were loud noises outside, fireworks to celebrate different holidays or...