Tag: Origin

XR Origin Setup

Within the XR Origin Object, we have the LeftHand Controller as well as the right. With either the left or the right controller selected, go into the Inspector, and you’ll see that there’s an XR Controller Component. All of the actions on your screen may be empty and we could go t...

Creating an XR Origin

Courtesy of GameDevHQ, they have provided a Pentathlon environment to walk through all of the assets from the DemoScene. We could grab the XR Origin prefab that came with the XR Interaction Toolkit and have it all set up for us but we want to take a different approach so we can learn how the ...

Creating an XR Origin

Courtesy of GameDevHQ, they have provided a Pentathlon environment to walk through all of the assets from the DemoScene. We could grab the XR Origin prefab that came with the XR Interaction Toolkit and have it all set up for us but we want to take a different approach so we can learn how the ...

Dodger Stadium’s Shameful Origin Story

Chavez Ravine is a canyon and series of hills in Elysian Park just north of downtown Los Angeles. It’s the home of Dodger Stadium, a beautiful baseball park that recently turned 80 years old. The Dodgers and their stadium are the pride of Los Angeles. But there’s a dark history to the si...

COP28, Bit Origin and China’s Trust Industry

The year is coming to an end, and this marks the fourth month I have been writing this full-time. It hasn’t been easy of course. I don’t have many readers, but I will keep writing. Consistency is key … I guess. This week, I would like to highlight some of the things happening i...

The Land Steward Podcast: Origin Stories

He’s a brisk walker and probably about as excited as — if not more than — I was to find Rudder Tower and our first session of the day. He stopped short of the door, looking at the directives we’d been given, glancing at the major I declared, orienting himself with the buildin...

The Buddhist Account of Human Origins

In the beginning, people were like those from the Rupa-dhatu (Form Realm). In Chapter 22 of the Dīrgha Āgama, the Sutra on the Origin of the World, it is explained as follows. Originally, people did not possess physical bodies like today’s humans; there were no individual differences due ...

On the Origin of WMAF

Why do Asian dudes get so butt hurt when they see their sisters with a white guy? It’s just a boring day , just like every other day you’ve gone out this week. Whether you live in an Asian enclave or not , you’re bound to see someone white. Your walking down the street in a lively ...

What was Atenism? Was it the origin of Judaism?

Atenism, founded by Pharaoh Akhenaten during the New Kingdom’s Eighteenth Dynasty in ancient Egypt, was a religious movement cantered on the worship of Aten, depicted as the sun disc. Initially an aspect of Ra, the traditional solar deity, Aten became the exclusive focus under Akhenaten’...

On The Origin Of Caste

LEFTIST imagination in India has claimed that prior to the arrival of the Indo-Aryans in the subcontinent, India was a progressive paradise composed of the “natives” of the land — the Adivasis and the Dravidians. And that “Aryan” Brahmins suppressed the natives (Moolniv...

The Case for Virus Origin of Neurodegenerative Diseases Is Getting Stronger and More Important

Inthe 1990s, Dr. Ruth Itzhaki, now an emeritus professor of neuroscience at the University of Machester, often faced disheartening grant rejections. Without the grant money, scientists have no means to fund and conduct their research. No, scientists don’t have the power or freedom to do r...

The Fascinating Origin of “Clothes Make the Man”

Indeed Mark Twain (who made quite a fashion statement when be began wearing white suits late in his career in 1906, only to be outdone by Tom Wolfe who began wearing his iconic white suit early in his career in 1962) did write: “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on...

Phil Knight on the Surprising Origin Story of Nike’s Name and Swoosh

I remembered a factory I’d heard about, in Guadalajara, the one where Adidas had manufactured shoes during the 1968 Olympics, allegedly to skirt Mexican tariffs. The shoes were good, as I recalled. So I set up a meeting with the factory managers. Even though it was in central Mexico, the fa...

Quote Origin: I Do Not Know What I Think Until I Read What I’m Writing

This remark has a humorous edge because thoughts are usually formulated before they are written down. This notion has been attributed to prominent short story writer and novelist Flannery O’Connor and to horror master Stephen King. Would you please explore this topic? Reply from Quote Inves...

U.S. State Names that Come from Spanish

There are two explanations for the origin of the name Arizona: either from árida zona, meaning arid zone in Spanish, or from a Spanish word of Basque origin that means The Good Oak. California To find the origin of California, we should recall the name of a ...