XR Origin Setup

<p>Within the XR Origin Object, we have the LeftHand Controller as well as the right. With either the left or the right controller selected, go into the Inspector, and you&rsquo;ll see that there&rsquo;s an XR Controller Component.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:387/1*PSVdxNFat_DecIxjM3K42Q.png" style="height:939px; width:352px" /></p> <p>All of the actions on your screen may be empty and we could go through each and every input and assign them individually. If you and I are looking at the same screen, that&rsquo;s a whole lot of Input work to do.</p> <p>There is an easy solution. At the top of the XR Controller Component, we can assign the premade presets that come along with the XR Interaction Toolkit, and Unity will place all of the inputs we need on its own.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kennethmclachlan11/xr-origin-setup-71056c41c260"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: XR Origin