Quote Origin: I Do Not Know What I Think Until I Read What I’m Writing

<p>This remark has a humorous edge because thoughts are usually formulated before they are written down. This notion has been attributed to prominent short story writer and novelist Flannery O&rsquo;Connor and to horror master Stephen King. Would you please explore this topic?</p> <p><strong>Reply from Quote Investigator:&nbsp;</strong>In 1948 Flannery O&rsquo;Connor wrote a letter to her literary agent, and she included an instance of the saying. Boldface added to excerpts by&nbsp;<strong>QI</strong>:&sup1;</p> <p><a href="https://quoteinvestigator.medium.com/how-do-i-know-what-i-think-until-i-read-what-i-write-54c95903ab91"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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