Tag: Neuroscience

How I Eliminated Procrastination From My Life (Using Neuroscience)

Procrastination is a big problem for many of us. We say we’ll work on our goals, hit the gym, or learn some new skills, only to end up watching Netflix instead. I used to be a chronic procrastinator too. I’d set big goals and make ambitious plans, but not much was getting done o...

The neuroscience of habit formation: Unraveling the four-step cycle to design a better you

Understanding the mechanics of habit formation isn’t just an academic pursuit; it can be a game-changer in how you approach personal and professional development. As the famous saying goes, “We are what we repeatedly do.” In this blog, we’ll dissect the science behind habit f...

The neuroscience of words and universal design

The first thing that we are going to look at are some of the ideas that we are seeing more and more of in the world of design. Every day we are becoming more conscious that we can benefit from more inclusive design. And to take more universal approaches to design, absolutely benefits ...

Breaking the Cycle: Unraveling the Genetics and Neuroscience behind Alcoholism

However, it’s crucial to understand that genetics are not destiny. I’m Kohdi, an ex-alcoholic, a liver failure survivor, and someone who has seen alcoholism run rampant in my family. Yet, I’m here today to share a powerful message: You don’t have to follow the same pa...

What is Computational Neuroscience?

What is computational Neuroscience: Computational Neuroscience applies mathematical models to understand how the brain functions. It combines computer science, physics, calculus, statistics, and neuroscience to continue discovering how the brain functions. Why is it important? This field is...

The Neuroscience of Flow

You may have heard of flow, a seemingly magical state that some people enter when they write that lets them be tremendously productive and creative with little effort. Flow happens in many arts, like painting, performing music and dancing. We also hear of flow in sports. The archetypical one is rock...

From mind to design — how neuroscience shapes UX storytelling

When we hear a story, our brains focus more on what the characters are thinking or feeling, rather than just the events. This helps us practice social skills and strengthen our brain connections. According to Dr. Paul J. Zak, In his recent MIT SMR article, “The Neuroscience of Customer...

Neuroscience Behind Why I Read 1000 Books With My Son Before He Turned 5

Reading aloud to your baby regularly and widely has unimaginable benefits. It’s a parent’s true superpower! I serendipitously stumbled upon the book ‘The Read-Aloud Handbook,’ which opened my eyes to the magnificent benefits of reading to children from birth to three or fi...

Everyone Should Learn Neuroscience

Have you ever wondered how you ended up scrolling on your phone for hours when you only meant to go on your phone for a few minutes — a maximum of 10 minutes as part of a break? Whether we realize it or not, neuroscience plays a critical role in our everyday lives impacting what we do, think a...

Neuroscience Meets Data Science: Exploring Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) and Its Applications in Healthcare Analytics

Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) is a popular technique in the field of biomedical signal processing and has been widely used in various applications, particularly in the healthcare industry. It is a spatial filtering technique that is used to extract features from multi-channel biomedical signals such ...

The Neuroscience of Journaling And Its Benefits

This year, I was introduced to the practice of Journaling by a fellow friend and trainer. I had heard a lot about journaling before, I used to do it as a teenager, but it’s been years since I put a pen on paper and let my thoughts flow… That is… until a few months ago when ...

A Brief Introduction to Computational Neuroscience Part 1

Computational neuroscience is the only field that can help you understand, how you’re able to think and process information in your brain. Even by the time you finished this sentence, there will be a good number of actions happening inside your brain which can be decoded by the study of neuron...

Top 5 Neuroscience Books to read in 2024 that Changed my Life

This book is about memory and its myths. Rodrigo Quiroga is a recognized Argentinian neuroscientist known to have discovered the “Jennifer Aniston” neurons, named concept cells. These are neurons that “fire” when a person sees an object that represents a concept. By show...

Harnessing Neuroscience and Goal-Setting for Personal Growth

The journey towards achieving our long-term goals is often marred by the dual hurdles of procrastination and impulsiveness. Our previous exploration, “Why We Struggle to Stay Committed to Our Long-Term Goals,” delved into the intricate roles our brain plays in succumbing to these challen...

Understanding Neuroscience Breakthroughs: Lessons from Buntanetap Clinical Research

When seeking cures for complex diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, diligent research is essential. However, the path from scientific discovery to approved treatments is long, with many questions remaining along the way. By examining one biotech company’s journey developing t...