Breaking the Cycle: Unraveling the Genetics and Neuroscience behind Alcoholism

<p>However, it&rsquo;s crucial to understand that genetics are not destiny. I&rsquo;m Kohdi, an ex-alcoholic, a liver failure survivor, and someone who has seen alcoholism run rampant in my family.</p> <p>Yet, I&rsquo;m here today to share a powerful message:&nbsp;<em>You don&rsquo;t have to follow the same path.</em></p> <p>Alcoholism, like many other conditions, can indeed be influenced by genetic factors. Many of our family members may have practiced alcoholic behavior, but that doesn&rsquo;t mean we&rsquo;re condemned to the same fate. The science behind alcoholism reveals that genes predisposing to alcohol addiction are not automatically activated. Instead, they require specific triggers to be switched on.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Neuroscience