Tag: Meaning

Original Meaning of ‘Intelligence’ in ‘Business Intelligence’ (BI)

What does the term ‘Intelligence’ originally stand for in Business Intelligence. Does it mean as used in Artificial Intelligence or as used in Intelligence Agency? In other words, does ‘Business Intelligence’ mean: Acting smart &...

12 Hilarious Calvin & Hobbes Comic Strips With Profound Meaning

It launched in 1985 to great success and popularity but was put to an abrupt stop only ten years later when Bill Watterson felt he had achieved all that was there in the medium and stopped drawing the comic. However, The light-hearted comic continues to be published even today, due to the relatab...

Deriving Meaning

Looking at the painting, I see a mother who was staring at her child. The child was on a rattan cradle with a yellow blanket. I think the baby symbolizes innocence and purity based from the color of his or her clothes which is white. There is also happiness from the mother because it shows on the co...

The True Meaning of Being Young, Black, male, and Talented in America

We saw the Broadway play, MJ the Musical! It was so amazing and felt so real. Myles Frost who plays Michael Jackson was so effortless in his performance — hitting every note, executing every move, and demonstrating all of the emotion that fueled MJ’s drive to be the greatest perform...

The True Meaning of Zen

Every time I turn around there’s a new blog or business with “Zen” in its title or name. “Zen” has been linked to everything from copywriting, web design, and business strategy to personal development, food, fitness, clothing lines, and more. Some people genuinely tr...

The Meaning of Christmas

When the hour of the Revelation of Jesus drew nigh, a few of the Magi, aware that the star of Jesus had appeared in heaven, sought and followed it until they came unto the city which was the seat of the Kingdom of Herod. The sway of his sovereignty in those days embraced the whole of that land. T...

Meaning, nature, scope, characteristics, concept of sociology;

Sociology is the scientific study of society, human behavior, and social interactions. It examines how individuals and groups interact within social structures and how these structures shape our lives. Sociology seeks to understand the social forces that influence our behavior, beliefs, and attitude...

What Is The Meaning Behind Your Name?

If you knew the importance of the right name, wouldn’t you choose names more diligently? In Africa, names carry a lot of weight and a world of meaning. African people, the continent over, seem united in their shared understanding that a name is not given carelessly. A name carries a repr...

Fad Fashion: Introducing the Definition and Meaning

n the ever-evolving world of fashion, trends come and go, but some make a more fleeting impact than others. Enter the realm of “Fad Fashion,” a term that sparks curiosity and often leaves us wondering about its true definition and significance. In this exploration, we’ll delve into...

Your Essential Guide to Daily Use English Sentence with Hindi Meaning

For 12 Lakh Such English Sentence with Hindi Meaning CLICK HERE to download our 100% Free app. You can check out 1 Lakh English Sentence with Hindi Meaning on our website as well. As English continues to be a global language, mastering daily use sentences is imperative for eff...