12 Hilarious Calvin & Hobbes Comic Strips With Profound Meaning

<p>It launched in 1985 to great success and popularity but was put to an abrupt stop only ten years later when Bill Watterson felt he had achieved all that was there in the medium and stopped drawing the comic.</p> <p>However, The light-hearted comic continues to be published even today, due to the relatable character of Calvin.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve been reading Calvin &amp; Hobbes since I learned to read English, way back in 2003. I used to pick up the local daily and flip right past the politics, international affairs, daily reports, and land on the &ldquo;Coffee Break&rdquo; section that contained comic strips and puzzles. Since I was only a child, I failed to register the joke many times, blankly stare at the comic, re-read it to see if I&rsquo;d get it this time, or run to my dad and asked him to explain.</p> <p>Earlier I used to read it for sheer entertainment, but as I grow older, I&rsquo;ve started to rely on these comics for a lot of things, from a loud belly laugh to some solace when life gets overwhelming; a reminder to slow down and enjoy myself too.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/through-the-skylight/12-hilarious-calvin-hobbes-comic-strips-with-profound-meaning-9c75395308e7"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>