Deriving Meaning

<p>Looking at the painting, I see a mother who was staring at her child. The child was on a rattan cradle with a yellow blanket. I think the baby symbolizes innocence and purity based from the color of his or her clothes which is white. There is also happiness from the mother because it shows on the color of the blanket which is yellow. It was a painting that tackles the unconditional love of a mother to her child. It was a painting of love and family. I think this painting conveys the way of life of Filipinos back before in 1975 and the celebration of simplicity of life and its indescribable beauty.</p> <h1>All Bunched Up in Boxes by Romina Diaz</h1> <p><img alt="" src="*gFxUOlxv0njsZdWB620Gjg.jpeg" style="height:1027px; width:500px" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="*IQ9foCAHSeX713KjVO72KA.png" style="height:1066px; width:501px" /></p> <p>All Bunched Up in Boxes by Romina Diaz</p> <p>Based from an online article, Romina Diaz&rsquo;s work, &lsquo;All Bunched Up in Boxes&rsquo; refers to the children who live on their street. It was told that Diaz made friends with these children and she wished that she was like them. She knew that she can&rsquo;t save them from their reality but she knew that she can make their life a little beautiful than what it looks like. She said that it will just take a little time and a little heart.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>