The True Meaning of Zen

<p>Every time I turn around there&rsquo;s a new blog or business with &ldquo;Zen&rdquo; in its title or name. &ldquo;Zen&rdquo; has been linked to everything from copywriting, web design, and business strategy to personal development, food, fitness, clothing lines, and more.</p> <p>Some people genuinely try to express what they believe to be the meaning of Zen via their work or blog. Others may simply be riding on the popularity of&nbsp;<strong>Zen Habits&nbsp;</strong>blog<strong>,&nbsp;</strong>with its more than two million readers.</p> <p>And some credit for the fashionable use of the word should go to the icons who introduced Zen into mainstream consciousness starting in the &lsquo;50&rsquo;s: Jack Kerouac with the book&nbsp;<em>The Dharma Bums</em>, the philosopher and writer Alan Watts, the Trappist monk Thomas Merton, and Robert M. Pirsig known for&nbsp;<em>Zen and the Art of Motorcycle</em>&nbsp;<em>Maintenance</em>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Meaning Zen