What Is The Meaning Behind Your Name?
<p><em>If you knew the importance of the right name, wouldn’t you choose names more diligently?</em></p>
<p>In Africa, names carry a lot of weight and a world of meaning. African people, the continent over, seem united in their shared understanding that a name is not given carelessly.</p>
<p>A name carries a representation of the land, the culture of the people (Yoruba: Egún — emphasizing the interconnectedness between ancestors and living descendants), the day of the week (Igbo: Nweke — a child born on the Eke market day), or the season the child was born, the lineage of the people (Igbo: Nwosu — of the osu caste), even beliefs and gods.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/long-sweet-valuable/what-is-the-meaning-behind-your-name-564495f12367"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>