Tag: lost


I wallet recently got hacked! I lost some funds before having the possibility to react. So I wanted to make sure that you guys know how to minimize the risk of getting hacked and to know how to react if you think your wallet is being compromised. Hackers are making millions by robbing peoples wallet...

Logan Paul’s NFT Collection, Once Worth $2.8 Million, Has Lost 70% Of Its Value

In the summer of 2021, NFTs were enjoying their first boom period, fuelled by crazy stories like the $69 million sale of Beeple’s ‘The First 5000 Days’ digital artwork and the ensuing tidal wave of FOMO. It started a digital art gold rush, with creators and scammers alike mintin...

Jack Dorsey’s First-Tweet NFT, Listed at $48 Million, Has Lost 99% Of Its Value

When crypto entrepreneur Sina Estavi purchased the NFT of Twitter’s co-founder Jack Dorsey’s first-ever tweet back in March 2021 for a staggering $2.9 million, the world was divided into two groups. Some pointed to the sale as proof of both the NFT concept and the ...

Logan Paul’s NFT Collection, Once Worth $2.8 Million, Has Lost 70% Of Its Value

In the summer of 2021, NFTs were enjoying their first boom period, fuelled by crazy stories like the $69 million sale of Beeple’s ‘The First 5000 Days’ digital artwork and the ensuing tidal wave of FOMO. It started a digital art gold rush, with creators and scammers alike mintin...

Why You’ve Lost Weight! is the Worst Compliment, Ever

From The Biggest Loser to My 600 Pound Life, we can’t get enough of watching other people shrink their bodies. This voyeurism says more about us than it does the people on the screen. First, let me say that I’m a Registered Dietitian, or what’s commonly known as a...

You Can’t Find What You Believe Is Lost

Aloha! I hope your week is off to a fabulous start! I was recently listening to Abraham Hicks and the idea that you can’t find what you believe is lost. And as I was listening to the story of Esther who her lost keys, I thought that was a cool idea. The story goes that Esther was frantically l...

Why “You’ve Lost Weight!” is the Worst Compliment, Ever

We are a nation obsessed with weight. From The Biggest Loser to My 600 Pound Life, we can’t get enough of watching other people shrink their bodies. This voyeurism says more about us than it does the people on the screen. First, let me say that I’m a Registered Dieti...

Little Things You Can Do to Keep Your Connections Active

At a wedding I attended recently (September 9), I met some long-lost school and work colleagues. We all remarked about how long it’s been since we last met. Or even heard from each other. Given we all had the others’ contacts and lived in the same city, it made little sense to let tho...

We need to find our lost humanity

This article was inspired by an interview of a popular Greek writer; Chronis Missios, during which he goes into a frustration filled monologue regarding humanity as a whole and our detachment from that part of us that makes us human (up to the 1.19 mark of the video) A bit about Chronis Missi...

Why “You’ve Lost Weight!” is the Worst Compliment, Ever

We are a nation obsessed with weight. From The Biggest Loser to My 600 Pound Life, we can’t get enough of watching other people shrink their bodies. This voyeurism says more about us than it does the people on the screen. First, let me say that I’m a Registered Dieti...

10 Films For When You Feel Lost, Confused or Just Tired

We’ve all been there. Exhausted from a day of doing nothing. Or perhaps from a day of doing something devoid of any purpose or joy. Feeling incapable of climbing out of the pit we’ve dug ourselves into. Feeling like we’ve missed our train or worse- caught the wrong one. Hoping agai...

How I lost 50 kg

I managed to lose 50 kilograms of weight. Previously, I weighed 120 kilograms at a height of 160 — that is twice my weight. These were the worst days of my life, but I managed to surpass myself. Want a personal motivation story? Then watch this video and put class! My name is Lea. I was born a...

Lost in Vivo: How to Scare the Player

Lost in Vivo, developed by KIRA, is an incredibly underrated psychological and survival horror game heavily inspired by the Silent Hill games. It is revered among indie-horror fans, especially those among us who love what Team Silent done with Silent Hill back in the day, an...

Lost in TRANSit: The Affirming Nature of Baldur’s Gate 3

I’ve read enough stories about others dealing with gender dysphoria and transitioning as it concerns members of my generation to know that video games have become a necessary tool for coping. This is all the more true in situations where it may not be the safest or most welcoming environment t...

Revisiting “The Lost Museum: Berlin Sculpture & Paintings Collections 70 Years After World War II”

Ona blustery day in late March 2015, I took refuge in Berlin’s Bode Museum for an insightful, curator-led tour of an exhibit called “The Lost Museum, Das Werschwundene Museum.” The German term verschwundene could also be translated as missing or disappeared. ...

Hong Kong…A City Of The Lost Memories

Hong Kong, most of you are familiar with its nickname of …Pearl of the Orient, Hybrid of East & West, Vibrant & Dynamic,…etc, etc; in addition to …small, crowded, busy, and super fast. You can find all this information on WIKI, and therefore I would like to start with...

Washed up on Lost Lagoon

Silicon Palms was incorporated in Florida on 9.9.1999 at a time when people were branding themselves as monikers, rather than by name. So I adopted the identity as silicon palms and created social media accounts using that domain name rather than my own name, now 25 years later I return to Vancouver...