Tag: Investors

How to Build an Irresistible Product for VC Investors

Venture capital (VC) is a great opportunity for new entrepreneurs seeking to bring a product to life — but the funding is incredibly difficult to secure. A 2021 Harvard Business Review survey of almost 900 VC firms found that they consider 101 opportunities on average for every de...

Don’t make investors listen, make them visualize.

Have you ever heard the term: I’m tired of listening to you? Now, why is that term so meaningful when it comes to investor pitching? The answer is simple. Investors sit in a room and listen all day to one presentation after another. And listening is tiring. Especially if every found...

Neo Blockchain for Investors: What You Should Know

The Neo Blockchain is a pioneer that envisioned the concept of a smart economy. So, how does it stand today? Let’s delve into the vital aspects investors should be aware of. Background The Neo Blockchain, a forerunner in fostering a smart economy, has undergone significant transformation...

Why Sophisticated Crypto Investors Don’t Care if the Market Tanks

Crypto has had a wild ride lately. Over the last six months, Bitcoin plummeted by nearly half, erasing billions of dollars of market value. Many sophisticated crypto investors, though, likely don’t care at all. Why? These crypto whales use a special kind of financial alchemy to achieve ma...

“let’s see you again soon?” — investors says to my pitch — what i learned after hearing it over 100 times

The Soft “No” and My Journey in Fundraising Years ago and even now, when I was hustling to secure funding for various startup ventures, I noticed a recurring pattern in my interactions with venture capitalists (VCs). If they weren’t particularly interested in investing, they&rsq...

One Type of Founder Investors Hate Funding

I invited a local venture capitalist to speak with my entrepreneurship class at Duke. Once he’d finished sharing his story and discussing the industry, I opened the floor to questions. Most of the questions were typical, young-entrepreneur questions followed by typical, bland VC answers. &l...

Don’t Waste Time Chasing Investors. Do This Instead

If you’re chasing investors…you’ve already lost. I sign off every one of my newsletters with the declaration “…be chased.” A common reaction to that is “ok, but how??” How do you attract investor attention without appearing needy? Investors ...

5 Common Pitch Deck Mistakes Founders Make that Annoy Investors

I was judging a pitch competition for a neighboring university. The event was meant to be an informal “practice” session to help the students prepare for pitching venture capitalists. As a result, the person who’d invited me wanted me to give feedback on the pitches rather than the...

Questioning Investors’ Most Strongly Held Assumptions

Afew months ago I was thinking of writing this article and the premise would have been questioning the assumption that high inflation and high interest rates are here to stay. It seems that my skepticism, as weakly held as it was (I mean I didn’t even publish the story), was correct. Now I ...

How to Use Social Media to Reach Out to Investors

The only way to find investors was by flying to expensive conferences. But first, people needed to be aware of those conferences, which was a problem in an offline world. With the rise of social media, AI, and the digital revolution, finding investors is a manageable problem. It is easy to use...

Questioning Investors’ Most Strongly Held Assumptions

Afew months ago I was thinking of writing this article and the premise would have been questioning the assumption that high inflation and high interest rates are here to stay. It seems that my skepticism, as weakly held as it was (I mean I didn’t even publish the story), was correct. Now I ...

The Pareto Investor’s Portfolio — 2024

As we approach the end of another dynamic year, I am thrilled to share with you the performance of the Pareto Investor’s Portfolio for 2023 and introduce my strategic holdings for 2024. Also, this communication marks a significant moment as this past year has been nothing short of remarkabl...

Investors: Price is not value

Many investors and public company owners and management look at their favorite stock price every day. Watching CNBC, Bloomberg and even the charts on the internet can give you up-to-the-second price updates. Many trade the price swings, and often, many lose money doing this. This is a result of our ...

Why Robert Kiyosaki’s Advice is Dangerous for Indian Investors

Robert Kiyosaki is a popular financial author and speaker. His books, such as “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, have sold millions of copies worldwide. However, Kiyosaki’s advice is not always applicable to all investors, especially those in India. Here are a few reasons why Robert Kiyosaki&...

Five Tactical Tips That Will Wow Investors

Funding companies by investors has fallen off a cliff in the first quarter of 2023. Yes, it is bad but, it is not all bad. To illustrate, we created a unique view on investing in Legal. A view that looks at investors in founders. Based on this view, we generated tips for you. This ...