Tag: Improve

A Simple Way to Improve Data Science Interviews

In this post I share a story about a mistake I made as an inexperienced Data Science hiring manager, and how it changed the way I conduct technical interviews. I also walk through an example Data Science interview prompt and show how stronger candidates approach the problem differently than weaker c...

You Can Ignore Your ‘Self’ and Just Improve

Incollege I learned an exercise that drastically improved my writing skills. Writers call the practice E-prime. To write in e-prime, simply omit any version of the word “to be” from your prose. Drop is, am, are, were, or was, and also their cousins — the...

Xcode Breakpoints Improve Your Debugging with Better

The simplest definition would say a breakpoint is a marker in your code to intentionally pause your app if the code is encountered at runtime. If you just click on the gutter to add one in Xcode, that’s true. However, breakpoints are capable of much more. Looking at breakpoints fr...

Python Tips And Concepts To Improve Your Code

Python is easy to write and understand but you can quickly use it the wrong way and jump into a minefield of anti-patterns. This post curates a list of 21 concise tips that improve your code readability and efficiency. They are drawn from personal projects, thorough code reviews, and inspiring di...

Custom Instructions: A New Feature You Must Enable to Improve ChatGPT Responses

Remember that prompt engineering technique called Role Prompting that allows us to control the default behavior of ChatGPT to get customized results? It started with something like “Act as a …”. and you had to include it in every single chat to get better responses. ...

10 ways you can improve your design and accessibility practices.

Most home pages suck when it comes to accessibility. More eloquently: “96.3% of [the million] home pages [tested] had detected WCAG 2 failures according to WebAIM’s 2023 report on the accessibility of the top 1,000,000 home pages. What’s the cause? Ignorance? Cost to make it h...

Improve Your Story Breakdown

One of the fundamental abilities required by Agile software development is the capacity to properly breakdown stories. This plays a crucial role in the capacity of performing short and quick iterations, while it helps business to efficiently deliver software solutions. Yet, this is not an easy task....

11 counterintuitive ways to improve your life (no one talks about these)

None of the ideas I’m about to share with you came from any self-help book. (Ok, maybe a couple). But it’s only through being immersed in the beautiful strangeness of life that these lessons can be felt, seen, and used to see the truth of them. Funnily, none of these are ‘...

Six things I am doing right now to improve my odds of success greatly

It’s time to draw a line in the sand, friend. It’s time to stop pretending you don’t want real success, solid income and excellent health. Your excuses are lies, and they keep you down. I’m not the most successful, though I’ve done well and have everything I ne...

Five things I do to improve my productivity!

I always look for things that can increase my productivity. Here are the five things that I do on daily basis. Hi, My name is Vinay Kesharwani & I am the Founder of ScriptMint. I am a Full Stack Web Developer working. I am located in small district in India & I work from Home. I c...

Tips on Using Social Media to Improve Customer Care

Use Social Media: Harness the power of social media for exceptional customer service! Adopt a customer-centric mindset, empower employees, and reward outstanding service. A social-first mentality enhances brand presence and engagement. What better way to provide your products and servi...

Three key drivers to improve meetings

Earlier I shared my view on how our current digital economy has made it easy to ask for experiences to be rated (Uber, Airbnb, Netflix). But this trend seems to be lacking in the workspace. Hierarchial and peer relations prevent us from sharing feedback, and most of us admit to having...

9 ways to improve your meetings

Over the last few years, I’ve taken part in almost 2,000 meetings. Not all of them are at the same level. Here is what I have observed and the 9 best practices you need to make your meetings effective. Research has found the average professional spends a third of his time in meetings. Th...

Always flip your art! #1 tip to improve your drawings

Imagine this: your creating an artwork. You’re super happy with it because everything goes smooth. However, as you progress in the process, you notice something’s not quite right. Yet, you can’t figure out what’s wrong with the image. Sounds familiar? The answer is simple:&nb...

Five things I do to improve my productivity!

I always look for things that can increase my productivity. Here are the five things that I do on daily basis. Hi, My name is Vinay Kesharwani & I am the Founder of ScriptMint. I am a Full Stack Web Developer working. I am located in small district in India & I work from Home. I c...

How can the Netherlands improve itself from a non-Dutch perspective?

The greatest problem of Dutch culture is that it is not scalable by the reason that it lacks passion. I would say that the general opinion about Dutch people is really not positive. Vondelpark And it is not scalable for the following reasons: there’s no focus on emotion, it’s h...

Improve Literature Search & Minimize Information Overload

An ever increasing body of scientific literature is documenting significant advances in healthcare research and novel treatments. However, these valuable insights often get lost in the exponentially increasing volume of published studies. A single query often results in a huge number of publicati...

What are 5 habits that can improve my life?

Famous novelist and International best-seller author Haruki Murakami wakes up at 4 a.m and writes for 5–6 hours consistently when he starts to write a novel. He follows this schedule without variation for several months till finishing his novel. Regular consistent effort for long time makes...

Books to read to improve English (for beginners)

Do you often have creative ideas in your mind, but are unable to put them to words? Maybe you have a friend whose English and communication skills you admire, or it was a TV personality’s speech that moved you, and you wish to speak like that. Don’t worry, we all have been there. Just li...

5 Apps help you to improve English speaking

Lingo Blabla is a super user-friendly app where you can find an English partner immediately through just one click. Not only you can practice English anywhere, anytime, you can also make friends with people from around the world. Via this app, you will improve your English skills in a fun and easy w...