Tag: Higher

The United Arab Emirates: An Emerging Hub for Higher Education

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as a major higher-education destination in recent years. The country’s government has been actively promoting international student recruitment, and a number of world-renowned universities have opened campuses in the UAE. There are a number of fact...

Are Boobs Higher in Miami

Miami is a different planet. The gravity is different. Miami is from Star Trek. It is where Admiral James T. Kirk, referred to as Captain Kirk, arrives on a planet and there are only women. The ladies have cone breasts, even without their titanium brassieres. I am Captain Kirk in Miami wonderi...

Disability in institutions of higher learning.

Running during the third week of May 2016 Disability week was established by the Disability Committee, through the Office of Equity and Institutional Culture, this initiative was designed to create a space within the university that promotes awareness about disability and the challenges that face th...

5 tips for women to negotiate a higher salary

Equal Pay Day falls in 2023 on March 14 — a date determined by how long into the new year American women must work to catch up to American men’s earnings the previous year. In 2022, women earned 82% of what men earned. The wage gap for Black and Hispanic women is even high...

Affirmative Action in Higher Education: Should it be Allowed as a Practice?

I took the time to read the Supreme Court ruling that discontinues affirmative action programs in our top universities in the United States. Instead of reading news articles, please at least read the summary of the decision here, it’s only 8 pages or so and starts right at the beginning. ...

A Gen Z Interviewee Told Me He Deserves ‘A Higher Pay’. My HR Director Nearly Died.

James, my HR director, had been beside me the entire morning. We interviewed candidate after candidate for the sales team. By 11, we have done 4 interviews. I was in desperate need of a break. It was at this critical soul-sapping juncture that Paul made his entry. I remember James telling m...

Visualizing Higher Dimensions

This blog has offered some recent musings on the dynamics of high dimensions, particularly those aspects related to the loss manifold of a neural network, which in modern practice have begun to be implemented with parameterizations in the billions. The descriptive evaluation of most high dimensional...

The Higher Dimensions Series — Part Four: The Probability Theory Connection

Welcome to Part Four of the Higher Dimensions Series, where we explore some of the strange and delightful curiosities of higher dimensional space. Currently, I have completed Parts One, Two, Three, Four, and Five, with hopefully more to come. If you have not already done so, I en...

I Don’t Have a Higher Power

“A bird recognizes that every life that surpasses a first breath is a miracle.” — Kira Jane Buxton, Hollow Kingdom Once, I disappeared from life. It was during the six months following the death of my daughter. Ana had cancer. Diagnosed at 11, she endured various forms of t...