Disability in institutions of higher learning.

<p>Running during the third week of May 2016 Disability week was established by the Disability Committee, through the Office of Equity and Institutional Culture, this initiative was designed to create a space within the university that promotes awareness about disability and the challenges that face those living with disabilities on campus and society at large. Disability week is more than just an awareness campaign; it is an opportunity for students and staff to contribute to finding solutions that can help eliminate these challenges.</p> <p>On the 17th of May Professor Leslie Swartz hosted a public address titled&nbsp;<em>&lsquo;Ways of thinking about disability, access, and learning: A view from the South&rsquo;</em>. Internationally and Locally known for his work in the field of disability, Prof. Swartz is a Clinical Psychology and Psychology lecturer at Stellenbosch University.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sekgametsim17/disability-in-institutions-of-higher-learning-77d198654b9a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>