I Don’t Have a Higher Power

<p>&ldquo;A bird recognizes that every life that surpasses a first breath is a miracle.&rdquo; &mdash;&nbsp;<em>Kira Jane Buxton, Hollow Kingdom</em></p> <p>Once, I disappeared from life. It was during the six months following the death of my daughter. Ana had cancer. Diagnosed at 11, she endured various forms of treatment that worked until they didn&rsquo;t anymore.&nbsp;<a href="https://jacquelinedooley.medium.com/she-was-only-11-but-her-mom-knew-something-was-terribly-wrong-c1222c657e64" rel="noopener">It&rsquo;s a story I&rsquo;ve told often</a>.</p> <p>When she died, I was unable to participate in the world &mdash; at least for a while. Author Katherine May calls this &ldquo;wintering.&rdquo; In her book,&nbsp;<em>Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times</em>, May writes:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/age-of-empathy/i-dont-have-a-higher-power-33708c93e166"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Higher Power